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Changing the 'Return Lodged via' field in bulk

This support note applies to:

  • AO Tax (AU)

  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)

  • AE Tax (AU)

Article ID: 28787

In MYOB Tax you have the ability to make bulk changes to the Return Lodged via field in the Return Properties of a tax return. 

The following instructions will step you through this process.

Perform the following instructions from within a tax return for that specific tax year.

To change the field in bulk
  1. Follow the menu path: Maintenance > Bulk Return edit. The Bulk Return Edit window appears.

  2. Click the ellipses [...] button at the Return area to change field. The Select Area to Change window opens.

  3. Highlight the Return Lodged via option and click Select. The Bulk Return Edit window appears.

  4. Deselect the Edit individually checkbox. The checkbox is un ticked.

  5. Select the Override all checkbox. The message "Warning: all selected Returns will be updated to the same value" appears.

  6. Click OK. The Bulk Return Edit window appears.

  7. Click OK. The message "Any lodged returns will not be updated and need to be updated manually" appears.

  8. Click OK. The Select Returns for Update window appears.

  9. Highlight the return/s you want to edit then click Select. A green tick appears next to the return. Note:  Repeat Step 9 for each return you want to update.

  10. Click OK. The Edit Return Lodged via Option window appears.

  11. Click the ellipses [...] button at the Return Lodged via field. The Select Period window opens.

  12. Highlight the relevant lodgment option and click Select. The Edit Return Lodged via Option window appears.

  13. Click OK. Each return that was selected is automatically updated with the lodgment option selected. 


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