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Changing the security group for an employee in AO Classic

This support note applies to:

  • AO Practice Manager (NZ)

  • AO Practice Manager (AU)

Article ID: 34239

Security groups are used to group employees together to use the same features of MYOB AO. Every employee has to be part of a security group before they can log in.

The pre-defined security groups in MYOB AO are:

  • Administrator - this group has full rights

  • Everyone - this group has limited rights

New Zealand only
Before you begin, make sure security is turned on

  1. Login to AO Classic

  2. Select Tools and then Options

  3. Click Advanced

  4. Scroll down the list on the All tab and check if Use Security to Yes

  5. Click Save & Close

  6. Click OK

  7. Close MYOB AO Classic

If you upgraded from MYOB AO Classic and you didn't have security groups or had multiple security groups setup, you need to check the employee security groups to make sure each employee has the correct access level.

On conversion from AO Classic all your existing MYOB AO Classic security groups are converted with your pre-existing employees. All the converted security groups are defined in MYOB AO with the same rights as the Everyone security group.

To check the employee security groups:
  1. Open an employee record.

  2. Click on the Security Groups tab to display the security groups the employee belongs to.

  3. Repeat for each employee.

For each employee, there are two main points to check:
  1. At least one employee needs to belong to the Administrator group. By default and ADMIN user is created but you should change the relevant employee/s in your practice to the Administrator group. To do this:
    Click the ellipsis [...] button next to the security group to which the employee currently belongs. The Find Security Group window opens. Select the new security group for the employee and click OK.

  2. It is highly recommended that an employee only belongs to one security group. If an employee belongs to more than one security group, delete any that are no longer required. To do this:
    Click on the row containing the security group you want to remove and press the [Delete] button. A confirmation message appears. Click Yes to remove the security group from the employee.

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