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Changing the tax agent in bulk for returns in MYOB AO

This support note applies to:

  • AO Tax (AU)
Article ID: 36300

In MYOB Accountants Office you can change the tax agent for selected returns all at once by using the Bulk Return Edit Option from within the Maintenance menu.

How to change the Tax Agent via Practice Manager
  1. From within Practice Manager follow the menu path Maintenance > Maintenance Map.
  2. Select Tax from the Tasks Panel.
  3. Click Administration.
  4. Follow the menu path Maintenance > Bulk return edit.
  5. Click the ellipses button [...] from the Return area to change field.
  6. Highlight Agent and click Select.
  7. In the Select by area, choose either Batchor Range, where:
    Batch allows you to select returns individually.
    Range allows you select returns by a group.

    If you select Range, the Index checkbox becomes active and allows you to select an index sequence.  The Range option will not permit the Tax Agent to be changed on returns that have been locked.

  8. De-select the Edit individually checkbox.
  9. Select the Override all option.
  10. Click OK.

    • If you selected Batch, please follow steps 9 and 10, before continuing with step 13.
    • If you selected Range, please follow steps 11 and 12, before continuing with step 13.
  11. Click OK.
  12. Toggle the returns you wish to change and click OK.
  13. Click OK.
  14. Select the option you would like to change the return by and click OK.
  15. Click the ellipses button [...] on the Agent field and select the Tax Agent.
  16. Click OK. The Updating Returns window appears and the system starts processing.

    You have successfully changed the Agent code for the selected returns.



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