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Checking or updating CASPOL permissions and turning off CAS

This support note applies to:

  • AO Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AO Practice Manager (AU)
  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
  • AE System Release (NZ)
  • AE System Release (AU)
  • AE Tax (NZ)
  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
  • AE Tax (AU)
Article ID: 33406

After installing System Release, the error "System Release Runtime Loader encountered a problem and needs to close" may occur on some workstations. Also after installing Practice Manager on a workstation, the error "System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException. An error occurred creating the configuration section handler for frameworkSecurity: That assembly does not allow partially trusted callers" may appear when opening MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE).

Additionally, when installing AE Tax, an error "glb93a9.tmp stopped working" may appear and halt the installer. In all cases, the Microsoft .NET Code Access Security Policy Manager, or known internally as CASPOL, is causing the issue. The following information takes you through how to update the CASPOL permissions on a workstation in the case of a System Release or Practice Manager error, and also how to switch security off temporarily if installing Tax.

To check CASPOL permissions
  1. Click Start and type CMD in the Search programs and files field and press ENTER.
  2. Type C: and press ENTER.
  3. Type CD\ and press ENTER..
  4. Type cd windows\\framework\v2.0.50727 and press ENTER. The path changes to v2.0.50727 folder.

    To check 64-bit caspol permissions the path is windows\\framework64\v2.0.50727.

  5. Type caspol.exe -lg and press ENTER.
To update the Microsoft .net CASPOL permissions for the CENTRAL share
  1. Click  Start and type CMD in the Search programs and files field and press ENTER to open a Windows command window.

  2. Type the following command, then press ENTER:
    %DOTNETPATH%\caspol.exe -q -ag 1. -url "file:%CENTRAL_PATH%\*" FullTrust -name CENTRAL

    • %DOTNETPAH% is the path to caspol.exe

    • %CENTRAL_PATH% is the path to the CENTRAL folder.

    For example: C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\caspol.exe -q -ag 1. -url "file: \\server\CENTRAL\ *" FullTrust -name CENTRAL where server and share are the actual names of the server and share where the CENTRAL folder resides.

    This command is case sensitive and needs to be typed exactly as shown. On 64 bit machines, you also need to run the command a second time whereby the %DOTNETPATH% is C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\caspol.exe.

    The message "Added union code group with "-url" membership condition to the Machine level. Success" appears confirming the CASPOL settings have been updated.

    This message appears if the syntax of the command is correct, regardless of whether the central path entered exists or not. Make sure that the correct path is entered as receiving the above message does not mean that the procedure was done correctly, it simply means the path specified was added to the local machine's trusted list.

  3. Type exit and press ENTER to close the DOS prompt.

You are now able to openPractice Manager. If the error persists, please contact your I.T provider for further assistance.

To update the Microsoft .net CASPOL permissions for the Registration share
  1. Click Start and type CMD in the Search programs and files field and press ENTER to open a Windows command window.
  2. Type the following command, then press ENTER:
    %DOTNETPATH%\caspol.exe -q -ag 1. -url "file:%REGO_PATH%\*" FullTrust -name AERego

    • %DOTNETPAH% is the path to caspol.exe

    • %REGO_PATH% is the path to the MYOBAE\Registration folder.

    For example: C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\caspol.exe -q -ag 1. -url "file:\\server\share\MYOBAE\Registration\*" FullTrust -name AERego where server and share are the actual names of the server and share where the MYOBAE folder resides.

    The command is case sensitive and needs to be keyed in as shown. On 64 bit machines, you also need to run the command a second time whereby the %DOTNETPATH% is C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\caspol.exe.

    The message "Added union code group with "-url" membership condition to the Machine level. Success" appears confirming the CASPOL settings have been updated.

    This message appears if the syntax of the command is correct, regardless of whether the rego path entered exists or not. Please ensure that the correct path is entered as receiving the above message does not mean that the procedure was done correctly, it simply means the path specified was added to the local machine's trusted list.
  3. Type exit and press ENTER to close the DOS prompt.

You are now able to open System Release. If the error persists, please contact your I.T provider for further assistance.

To turn off Code Access Security

When installing MYOB products, such as AE Tax, you may receive an error "glb93a9.tmp stopped working" or similar. To resolve this error, turn off CAS temporarily as per the following instructions.

This step is only to be performed when receiving the error "glb93a9.tmp stopped working" or similar when installing MYOB AE/AO products, or under the guidance of MYOB Support.

  1. Click Start and type CMD in the Search programs and files field and press ENTER.
  2. Type CD\ and press ENTER.
  3. Type cd windows\\framework\v2.0.50727 and press ENTER. The path changes to v2.0.50727 folder.

    To check 64-bit caspol permissions the path is windows\\framework64\v2.0.50727.
  4. Type caspol -s off and press ENTER.

    The message "CAS enforcement is being turned off temporarily. Press <enter> when you want to restore the setting back on" appears. Do NOT press ENTER at this stage.

  5. Re-run the AE Tax installer.
  6. Click back into the command prompt window with the above message still appearing, and press ENTER.

The word "Success" appears on the next line of the command window and the AE Tax installation is now complete.

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