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Client accounting: Adding file access for employees

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  • AE Statutory Reporter (NZ)
  • AE Statutory Reporter (AU)
  • AO Statutory Reporter (AU)
  • Workpapers (NZ)
  • AO Workpapers (AU)
  • AE Workpapers (AU)
Article ID: 61213610

This knowledge base will describe steps on how to allow users to access online files such as Essentials, Cashbook, Accounting Right files.

This is a 2 step process:

  1. Check to make sure that the employee has an MYOB login
  2. Allow the employee to access the file.

Step 1 - Checking if the employee has an MYOB login

Before you can give access to the files, the employee must have a my.myob login. This is the email address they use to log in to MYOB AE/AO. To create or edit the MYOB logins for an employee, see Creating or editing a my.MYOB login for an employee.

Step 2 - Allowing access to the files

To allow access to the AE/AO ledger

To allow access to AE/AO Ledger in your practice, you'll need to log into the Cashbook website using your Practice MYOB login. Then you'll give access to each employee.

To find your Practice MYOB login

  1. Login to AE/AO as an administrator.
  2. Go to the menu: Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Online > Practice my.MYOB settings. Make a note of the MYOB login email address in the Practice my.MYOB Settings window.
  3. Once you've got the Practice MYOB login details, open a web browser and go to:

    Alternatively, if you have already migrated a Client Accounting file to the online ledger, you can launch the cashbook website by clicking on the Launch AE/AO ledger option in TASKS panel in Client Accounting

  4. On the top right side of the page, click the drop-down arrow next to the name of your practice and select Manage Firm users.

  5. Under the Access column, use the toggle button to ON/OFF the access for the user.
    1. To give access, make sure the toggle button is ON
    2. To remove access, make sure the toggle button is OFF.
To allow access to an Essentials file

Depending on the version of the Essentials files (New Essentials or Old Essentials), the steps for allowing access to the users will vary.

Any files that are created after April 2020 are a new Essentials file.

To give access to New Essentials file

  1. Check that you’ve been set up as an advisor for the file. You can do this yourself if you have administrator access to the file, otherwise, you can ask the client to do it for you. See Invite your accountant.
  2. Log in to
  3. Go to My account > Manage online file access.
  4. Select the file, select the staff members who should have access to the file, and click Update.

To give access to the old Essentials file

  1. Log in to MYOB Essentials.
  2. Click the Users link on the Partner Dashboard.
  3. Click Invite user.
  4. Enter the staff member's First name and Last name.
  5. Select the Privilege (Standard user or Administrator).
  6. Enter the Email Address for the new user.
  7. Click Send invitation.
    An invitation will be emailed to the staff member, and they will then have access to the file.
    For more information, including the difference between Standard user and Administrator privileges, see Users (Partner Dashboard).

To restrict access, see Restrict access to clients

To allow access to AccountRight file
  1. Confirm that you are an advisor for the relevant file. To do this, you must have administrator access to the file. If you do not have this, the client must do this for you. See Add an accountant advisor.
  2. Log in to
  3. Go to My account > Manage online file access.
  4. Select the file, select the staff members who should have access to the file, and click Update.
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