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Client Search issue - search text is highlighted and then overtyped

This support note applies to:

  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
  • AO Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AO Practice Manager (AU)
Article ID: 33663

In MYOB Practice Manager when you first do a Client Search, it removes and overtypes the first few characters in the search field but then works correctly once you complete a search and then do ongoing searches.

When you click into the Search For field in both the Find Client list and on the Main tab of the Client, the system auto highlights the currently entered text as it is trying to complete the auto complete function and display the client drop down list.  This means that as you start to type, the previous text is deleted, and you are typing in new text.

This occurs if you start typing before the homepage is fully loaded and the recommendation is to wait until the client list is initially loaded and then start typing in the Search For field.

When you open a client after searching for it using the default settings, the Find Client window closes and opens up the client record. To change the settings to leave the Find Client window open once you access a client, refer to KB 36996: Keeping the Contact/Client search view open


Internal Notes:

Insert PR # 11919032745

SR # 11624978923   v5.0

TT # 58604

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.