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Company Statement Comparison Report shows a different registered office effective date

This support note applies to:

  • AO Corporate Compliance (AU)
  • AE Corporate Compliance (AU)
Article ID: 37525

In MYOB Corporate Compliance (CC) when running the Company Statement Comparison Report it is designed to display the differences between the current company statement and the data in CC.

When looking at the registered office effective date, the ASIC effective date will be different to the effective date that was notified on the Form 484A for the registered office address.

For example, where the Form 484A was lodged to notify ASIC that the registered office address had changed effective of 01/07/2015, ASIC may record this as 08/07/2015.

This is correct as the effective date will be one week after the effective date notified on the form. Therefore this effective date will not match in the Comparison Report.

Extract from Corporations Act 2001 Section 143.2:

"A notice of change of address takes effect from the later of:
(a) the seventh day after the notice was lodged; or
(b) a later day specified in the notice as to the date from which the change is to take effect."

You do not need to change your effective date within CC to match with ASIC's records.

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