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Comparing AO Classic reports to AO Practice Manager reports

This support note applies to:

  • AO Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AO Practice Manager (AU)
Article ID: 34701

AO Practice Manager doesn't store and report on information in the same way as AO Classic. For this reason there may not always be a direct equivalent of reports previously used in AO Classic. However, in most instances, there will be an alternative report or combination of reports available, either as a standard or for you to create your own.

Client Reports

AO Classic


Telephone No & Salutation List

Lists clients' home, business, fax & mobile numbers as well as their salutation.

Reports > Client > Client Details

Create your own report if needed.

All primary address and phone numbers available only

Names, Addresses, Phone & Tax No List

This report displays the client ID, partner, manager, client name, the client's address, telephone number, Tax File Number and ABN.

Reports > Client > Client Details

Create your own report if needed.

All primary address and phone numbers available only.

Relationship List

This report displays all clients who have been set up with relationships.

Reports > Maintenance > Association

Create your own report if needed.

Birthday Report

Displays clients with birthdays that fall in a certain month.

Use filter on client search screen.

Identifying clients born in a specific month

Add the Date of Birth (DOB) field to your column headers, if not already displayed.

To add this column to the search screen
  1. From the Find Clients screen, right click and select the Field Chooser.
  2. From the Field Chooser window, left mouse click on the DOB field and drag it onto the existing column headers.
  3. Click into the DOB field in the blank row (Filter bar) below the column headers. This displays a drop-down selection box and a filter icon with a red cross. 
  4. Type the month into this field and press Enter. For example *Oct* to view all the clients born in October.
  5. To remove the filter, click the filter icon.

Client Notes

Displays the notes attached to each client in one report.

Notes on the client Main tab can be printed individually from within the note.

Billing Clients

Displays billing client information for those clients who bill to another related client.

Displays billing clients only.

Reports > Client > Client List

Create your own report if needed.

Displays all clients.

Time Sheet Encoding

Shows the billing details of each client, for timesheet purposes. This report will display the client name, and then the client ID, file number and the name of the client that invoices should be billed to.

Reports > Client > Client List

Create your own report if needed.

Invoiceable Clients

Shows a list of all the clients that can be invoiced for time billing.

Reports > Client > Client Details

Create your own report if needed.

This displays all clients even if not a parent of others.

Mailing Labels Details

Lists the client ID, the client's name, address, addressee, salutation and position.

Used in conjunction with the Mailing Label Wizard

Use client search to select the clients and then use Mail Merge functionality to produce labels.

For more information please refer to Using mail merge in MYOB AE and AO.

Timesheet Reports

AO Classic


Timesheet Data in Detail

Detailed breakdown for each client/job split by employee. The fields include date, employee, time, unit rate, value, total value, invoice number and remarks.

All unbilled WIP entries for client

Prebilling reports from the Client > Jobs tab

For all entries for client

Reports > WIP > WIP History by Client

MYOB - All WIP transactions by Partner

Billed entries for Client invoice

Client > Bills tab. Go to Full Billing History, highlight bill and select the Report button.

Control Report

Displays a summary of work done and invoiced during a nominated period, including opening and closing balances for WIP. This report also lists chargeable, non-chargeable and combined total hours (or time units) and dollar values for each staff member.

Reports > Employee > Employee Productivity

MYOB - Employee Productivity (Control Report)

Client Billing Summary

Lists the total amount invoiced last year for each client, the amount invoiced YTD and the current WIP broken down by time charged and disbursements.

Reports > WIP & Debt > Client Summary

MYOB - Client Billing Summary by Client Partner

Client Billing Worksheet

Client code, client name, invoiced last year, YTD invoiced, YTD written off, Total WIP. Also 7 extra headings so a partner can write down information.

No equivalent.

Aged Work in Progress

Lists aged WIP by client. This report can be filtered to display only the required information according to the following criteria, Employee, client, date, value of WIP and work code. Aged to 90+ days only.

Reports > WIP > Aged WIP by Client

MYOB - Aged WIP by Client Partner

Recovery and Lockup Schedule

This report includes, client ID, client name, cost deleted for each client, cost billed for each client, cost written off for each client, closing balance of cost for each client, amount owed by each client, grand total, recovery rate (month to date) and Recovery rate (year to date).


Reports > Fee > Fee Recovery by Client

Created your own report if needed.


Reports > WIP & Debt > Client Summary

MYOB - Client Summary by Client Partner

Collections Report

Includes, client code, client name, WIP, debtors, lockup, collection percentage WIP

Create a new report in Reports > WIP & Debt > Client Summary and include Client code, Client name, Total Debt Gross OS, Total WIP OS and Lockup.

Export the report to Excel and apply the collection percentage required.

Employee Analysis

Includes employee name, total number of units for the week, unallocated units for the week, value of the chargeable units for the week, units allocated to the various work code categories, value of the chargeable and non-chargeable units for a certain period.

Reports > Employee > Employee Activity

MYOB - Employee Performance Summary

Timesheet Analysis

Displays chargeable, non-chargeable, non-available time summarised for 12 months across the page.

No equivalent for 12 months across the page.

Write Off Analysis

Displays employee, written off figure for 6 months across the page.

Reports > Fee > Fee Recovery by Employee

Created your own report if needed, including Employee Name and Profit/(Loss).

Cost Analysis

Includes client ID, client name, units charged, average rate on units charged, value of charged amount, average rate on cost, value of cost amount, margin between the charge amount and the cost amount.

Reports > Employee > Employee Activity

MYOB - Employee by Client

Daily / Weekly / Monthly Summaries

No equivalent.

Budget and Productivity

Compares the employee's chargeable time with the budgeted time

Reports > Employee > Employee Productivity

MYOB - Employee Chargeable Budget (including productivity)

Employee Productivity

Reports > Employee > Employee Productivity

MYOB - Employee Productivity and Recovery

Percentages are on available hours only.


Charge rate report

Reports > Maintenance > Charge Rates

Created your own report if needed.

Missing/Incomplete Timesheets

Lists timesheets that are missing completely or are partially complete.

Reports > Time > Missing Timesheet

MYOB - Missing - Incomplete Timesheet report by Employee

Work Code Description Report

Work code / task code list

Reports > Maintenance > Code

Create your own report if needed.

Write Off Reasons

Shows the reasons for writing off amounts while editing invoices. The fields are client ID, client name, work date, cost, invoice work code and reason for the write off.

Reports > Fees > Debtors Invoices by Client

Create your own report if needed, grouping by the Billing Comment field.

Write Off Reasons Summary

Includes the reason for and the cost of the write-off.

Reports > Fees > Debtors Invoices by Client

Create your own report if needed.

User Defined Reports (UDR's)

Report Writer

Each reporting area has the functionality to create new report using the fields available in that reporting area.

Fees Billed and Cost Recovery

Compares the time entered for particular activities and the actual amounts being invoiced for those activities. The fields are client name, invoice number, date of invoice, original amount of the invoice before write ups/write offs, and amount of the write ups/write offs.

Reports > Fees > Debtors Invoices by Client

MYOB - Debtors invoices by Company > Partner ordered by Invoice Number


Reports > Fees > Fee Recovery by Client

Create your own report if needed.

This report can include the recovery rate for each client.


AO Classic


Invoice Analysis Reports

Reports > Fees > Debtors Invoices by Client

There is a choice of several different reports.

Paragraph List

Reports > Standing Data > Master Paragraphs

MYOB - Master Paragraphs

User Defined Reports (UDR's)

Reports > Debtor Invoices by Client

There is a choice of several different reports.


AO Classic


Multiple Statements

Print or preview a batch of statements.

Reports > Debtors > Debtor Statements

Individual Statements

Print or preview a statement for the currently selected debtor.

Reports > Debtors > Debtor Statements

Select the relevant statement and filter for the one client code.

Unprinted Statement Report

Print a report listing all statements that have not yet been printed.

No equivalent.

Aged Balances

Displays debtor balances in aged format. The report also includes client id and telephone number, and shows each period as a percentage of the total debtor balance.

Reports > Debtors > Aged Debtors

MYOB - Aged Debtors by Company > Partner Detailed. Include Phone Number

Summary of Activity

Lists the client name, the opening balance for the period, the total invoices, payments and other activities made during the period.

Reports > WIP & Debt > Control by Client > Debtors Summary of Activity

This report is available via MYOB AO - Additional Reports.

Debtors Control

Displays a summary of each debtor's transactions including the opening balance, invoices, payments, other activities and closing balance for each debtor, including totals.

This report is not available for each client. Practice Control Report can be run from Reports > WIP & Debt > Control by Client

MYOB - Control Report by Client Company

Transaction Audit

For each debtor the report shows an opening balance and cumulative balances. Transaction details shown include, date, status, type, reference, amount and remarks.

Reports can be run for each transaction type

Reports > Fees > Debtor Invoices by Client

Reports > Debtors > Debtors Ledger Receipts

Reports > Debtors > Adjustments

Transaction Types

Lists all the transaction types and codes that you have configures in the Debtors system.

Not applicable to MYOB AO as the transaction types are set by the system.

Bank Deposit Supplement

Prints a deposit slip of recent payments that you can use when depositing cheques and cash in the bank.

Debtors button drop-down > Bank Deposit Slip

This is exported to Excel where it can be edited to meet specific requirements.

Debtors Credit Limit

Use this report to filter those clients that have exceeded their limit as defined in Debtors Details.

Reports > Debtors > Aged Debtors

Created your own report if needed.

Cash Based GST

Prints a report showing the GST amounts that you have received from payments.

Reports > Debtors > Debtors Ledger Receipts

There is a choice of several different reports.

Outstanding Transactions

Shows the transactions that are yet to be fully allocated.

Reports > Debtors > Outstanding Debtors Invoices

MYOB - Aged Debtor Invoices by Company > Partner

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