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Consolidated Group Membership (cgm) schedule details not populating BX/EN schedule

This support note applies to:

  • AO Tax (AU)
  • AE Tax (AU)
Article ID: 38982

In MYOB Tax version 2017.0b, you may find after completing Consolidated Group Membership(cgm) and clicking on Create BN/EX does not populate the details and fields are greyed out in the BN/EX schedule.

We're aware of this issue and working on a solution.

In the meantime you can use the workaround below.

  1. From within the affected tax return, navigate to Preparation > Schedule and double click to open Consolidated Group Membership schedule (cgm).

  2. At the Details tab > Untick Notification of joining lodged with ATO > OK

  3. At the Consolidation Group Membership Register window, click Group and untick Notification of formation previously lodged with ATO > OK.

  4. Click Create BN/EX in the Consolidation Group Membership Register window and select Yes to override the details.

    If the details have not populated, open the EX schedule via Preparation > Schedule .


PR# 150271565940

SR# 149830052093

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