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Converting an AMS ledger to AE Assets (AST)

This support note applies to:

  • AE Assets (AU)
Article ID: 30162

When you use MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) Assets you have the option of converting your existing data from a previously used application.

Following are the steps you need to perform to upgrade existing Assets or Asset Management System (AMS) data to MYOB AE Assets:

  • Back up the Assets/AMS ledger; 
  • Upgrade the ledger to Assets; and 
  • Check the new Assets ledger by listing assets.

You perform this upgrade on an individual ledger-by-ledger basis as and when it is required.

You need to have completed all conversions prior to upgrading to MYOB AE Assets 2.3 SP2 as per MYOB Accountants Enterprise Assets Version 2.3 Service Pack 2 Release Notes/Installation Guide Page 7.

Conversion timing and pre-requisites

Prior to converting data to MYOB AE Assets you need to calculate and post depreciation to the accounting ledger up to the end of the current period.

Therefore it is beneficial for you to upgrade to the new Assets data file structure prior to performing the year end procedure in the existing data. If you perform the conversion after the year-end procedure has been performed you need to calculate and post depreciation to the accounting ledger to the end of the current period, which is then the new year, prior to converting the data.

Failing to calculate and post depreciation in the current period prior to conversion results in the transactions from Assets not posting to the accounting ledger immediately after conversion and only transactions relating to subsequent asset maintenance such as additions, sales etc will be posted successfully.

For detailed pre-requisites for conversion to MYOB AE Assets refer to Preparing your AMS data for conversion to AE Assets


To backup AMS data
  1. Open System Release and highlight the relevant AMS ledger. The ledger is highlighted.
  2. From the File menu, select Backup. The Ledger Backup Wizard appears.
  3. Click Next. The Select Source Ledgers window appears.
  4. Ensure the relevant ledger is selected and click Next. The Select Backup Location and Name window appears.
  5. Specify the location and the name of the backup and click Next. The Backup Completion window appears.
  6. Click Finish. The backup is performed.
To upgrade AMS data
  1. From the File menu, select New Item. The New item properties screen appears and the cursor appears in the Client field.
  2. Type the Client Code of the AMS ledger in the Client field and press ENTER to move to the Type field. The cursor appears in the Type field.

    You need to ensure that the client code and name are the same as the AMS ledger, which already exists.
  3. Type AST in the Type field. The cursor appears in the Name field.
  4. Type the name of the ledger and press ENTER. The cursor appears in the Location field.
  5. Change the location to the path, which your AMS data resides, and click OK. The AMS Conversion screen appears.

    The default path for AMS data is \S6CLIENT.
  6. Click in the I have a backup of this ledger option and click Next. The message "Assets Conversion in Progress Converting Asset Details..." appears and when complete the AMS Conversion screen reappears with conversion information.

    If there were errors detected click the View Log button to view the error report.
  7. Click the Open the ledger after closing the wizard option and click Finish. The main assets screen appears.

    If you wish to view the error log after accessing the Assets ledger, the information is stored in the ClientCodeAsset.log file located in the data file directory, for example, x:\S6client\ClientCode\ClientCodeAsset.log.

Assets with AE Accounts

To backup Assets data
  1. Open the client in AE and click Client Compliance. The Client Compliance window opens.
  2. From the Tools menu, select Client File Maintenance. The Client File Maintenance screen appears.
  3. Type ACT and press ENTER. The Accounts information appears.
  4. Type B and press ENTER. The backup details appear.
  5. Press ENTER. The backup is performed and the Client File Maintenance screen appears with the new backup listed.
  6. Click the close button to close the window. The Client Compliance window appears.
  7. Click Close. The Client Compliance window closes.
To upgrade the Assets data
  1. Open the Accounts Ledger. The Accounts ledger appears.
  2. From the Tools menu, select Convert Assets. The Assets Conversion screen appears.
  3. Click in the I have a backup of this ledger checkbox and click Next. The message "Assets Conversion in Progress Converting Asset Details..." appears and when complete the Assets Conversion screen reappears with conversion information.

    If there were errors detected click the View Log button to view the error report.
  4. Click the Open the ledger after closing the wizard checkbox and click Finish. The main assets screen appears.

    If you wish to view the error log after accessing the Assets ledger, the information is stored in the ClientCodeAsset.log file located in the bin file directory, for example, x:\Program\bin\clientclodeAsset.log.
To list assets
  1. Follow the menu path: Reports > Other > Asset Listing. The message Initialising report viewer appears then the Report Options screen appears.
  2. Ensure the options are as required and click Preview icon. The report appears on the screen for you to review for accuracy of the conversion.

    If you wish to print this report to a printer click Print instead of Preview or once the preview is on the screen click the Print icon.
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