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Copying client level Reporter customisations to another MAS ledger

This support note applies to:

  • AE Reporter (NZ)
  • AE Reporter (AU)
Article ID: 27256

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) Reporter you can modify any component at Client Level and the changes will only be for that Management Accounting System (MAS) specific ledger. You can then implement those same changes in their entirety on another MAS ledger.

If you want to make changes at a client level for testing purposes and then want to apply the changes across all ledgers of that entity type, make changes at practice level. Copy the components from Design Client Reports into Design Practice Reports. For more details, see Copying client level report customisations to practice level.

To copy all client-level changes
  1. Open Windows Explorer and go to the S6CLIENT folder.
  2. Open the folder for the client code of the original MAS ledger.
  3. Copy the <ClientCode>.nrw file.

    ClientCode is the code of the MAS ledger.
  4. In the S6CLIENT folder, open the folder which has the code of the new ledger.

  5. Rename the <ClientCode>.nrw file in this folder to <ClientCode>_nrw.old.
  6. Paste the <ClientCode>.nrw that you have copied and rename the code to the code for this MAS ledger.
To copy individual components
  1. Open the original MAS ledger and go to Reports > Reporter > Design Client Reports. The Client - Report Designer window appears.
  2. Click the relevant tab and copy the required item.
  3. Click Close. The Report Designer closes.
  4. Open the destination MAS ledger and go to Reports > Reporter > Design Client Reports. The Client - Report Designer window appears.
  5. If you are pasting a Chart Map or Database Map item, go to the required folder.
  6. Click the relevant tab and paste the copied item. The item is pasted into this MAS ledger's Report Designer.

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