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'Create Document Wizard' does not appear when creating an Intranet document

This support note applies to:

  • AE Document Manager (NZ)
  • AE Document Manager (AU)
Article ID: 35972

In MYOB Intranet if you are creating a document and instead of seeing the Create Document Wizard appearing, a screen prompting for stationery appears, this indicates that the permissions to the Contents Path, where your Intranet data is held, needs to be updated.

To resolve this you will need to add authenticated users with full control to both the Sharing and Security tabs in the properties of the Contents Path location.

To locate my Contents path

Perform the following instructions from within MYOB Practice Manager:

  1. Follow the menu path: Maintenance > Maintenance Maps > Documents > Intranet Administration. The MYOB Intranet Administration window opens.
  2. Follow the menu path: Tools > Configuration. The Configuration window appears.

    The Contents Path field displays the Contents Path location.  You will need to note this location.
  3. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the location noted at Step 2. The contents of this folder displays.

    If your not sure where this location is you can use Control Panel > Adminstrative Tools > Computer Management > System Tools > Shared folders > Shares to find out the folder path.
  4. Right click in this location to access the properties of this folder and ensure that you have added the "Authenticated Users" group to both the Sharing and Security tabs and that it is set to full control. Then click Apply. The Authenticated Users group is now added to this folder.

    Refer to your IT Consultant if you are unsure of how to do this.
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