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Creating a client list to report on a particular list of clients (Eg. Christmas card list, Practice newsletter)

This support note applies to:

  • AO Document Manager (AU)
  • AO Document Manager (NZ)
  • AO Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AO Practice Manager (AU)
  • AE Document Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
  • AE Document Manager (AU)
  • AE Tax (NZ)
  • AE Tax (AU)
Article ID: 38390

In MYOB you may wish to create a mail merge to report on a specific list of clients or contacts. For example, a Christmas Card listing or Practice newsletter.

Using data contained in client's or contact's Extra Fields/Extra Lists, a report can be generated to create a list of clients or contacts for the mail merge.

An example of Extra Fields/Extra Lists:

If you do not have Extra Field or Extra List created or, if you need to amend an existing one, you can find detailed instructions in the following articles.

Once the Extra Field/Extra List has been created or updated, perform the following 4 step process.

1. Create the report with the required Extra Fields/Extra Lists and filters

Based on the Extra Field/Extra List values you can create a report that identifies a specific list of clients or contacts that match this criteria.

  1. In MYOB follow the menu path: Reports drop down arrow > Report List. The Reports window appears.
  2. Select from one of the reports:
    Clients only: Reports > Client list
    Clients and Contacts: Reports > Contacts > Contacts and clients.
  3. Create the report if required and ensure the report has the necessary filter based on the Extra Field/Extra List included in the report.
  4. Test the report and save the new report.

For more information on how to create or filter a report refer to KB 35735: Creating and formatting reports in AE/AO

2. Open/Run the report from the Find Client or Find Contacts window

The next step is to run the report created in Task 1 from the Find Client or Find Contacts window. Using either the Find Client or Find Contacts window, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the New search from reports... drop down arrow and select New search from reports option.

  2. Select Search. The Select List window appears.
  3. Highlight the report created in Step 1 and select OK.
  4. Based on the filters created, complete the Report Fields and select OK. A client list based on the report will now appear.
3. Confirm and select the clients to be included

Continuing on from Task 2, a list of clients/contacts should now appear in the Find Clients/Find Contacts window.

Tick the clients you wish to include in the mail merge.

If you wish to tick all clients displayed on the screen, click the tick box in the column header. This will select all clients/contacts that appear within this window.
4. Perform the Mail Merge function using the Mail Merge Wizard

Once the clients are selected, the final step is to perform the mail merge.

On the Tasks bar, select Mail Merge Wizard to begin the process.

For details on performing the mail merge, refer to:

If you...refer to..
don't have Document Manager installedUsing mail merge in MYOB AE and AO
have Document Manager installedPerforming a mail merge to Word in Document Manager
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