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Creating a MAS ledger

This support note applies to:

  • AE MAS (NZ)
  • AE MAS (AU)
Article ID: 29969

When you take on a new client, they may ask you to produce a set of financial statements for their business. Before you can produce these statements, you'll need to record your client's transactions in a general ledger.

MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) MAS lets you create and record journal entries and integrates your data with AE Reporter to produce the financial reports.

To get started, you will first need to create a ledger for your client.

To create a new MAS ledger
  1. Open System Release and follow the menu path: File > New. The Select new object to create window appears.
  2. Click Item. The New Item Properties screen appears.
  3. In the Client: field, type the client code and press TAB on the keyboard. The cursor appears in the Type field.
  4. Enter MAS4 in the Type: field and press TAB. The cursor appears in the Name field
  5. Enter the client's name in the Name: field then press TAB. The Location filed is highlighted.
  6. Click the ellipses [...] button. The Select Folder window appears.
  7. Highlight the folder that contains your MAS4 files, and click Select. The New Item Properties screen appears.

    If you are unsure which folder to select, highlight each folder and select properties. The path for the folder should be pointing to the S6CLIENT directory.
  8. Click OK. The message "Do you wish to create a shortcut in the "Ledgers" folder?" appears.
  9. Click Yes. MAS opens to the Welcome to the New MAS Ledger Wizard window appears.
  10. Click Next. The Create a new MAS Ledger screen appears.
  11. Highlight Standard Ledger and click Next. The Entity Details screen appears.
  12. Enter the entity's details and click Next. The Year and Period Details screen appears.
  13. Enter the appropriate Year start and Year end dates, and Period start and Period end dates then click Next. The Completing the New MAS Ledger Setup Wizard screen appears.
  14. Review the details and click Finish. The Client Chart window opens to begin adding accounts.

The Ledger is successfully created and ready for processing.

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