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Creating a new tax return using Client Compliance or Contacts

This support note applies to:

  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
Article ID: 29398

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise, if you are registered for MYOB AE Tax Series 6 or Series 8, you can create a tax return through one of two methods dependant on how you access Tax.

The following information is only applicable if you use Contacts or Client Compliance to access Tax.

To create a tax return, select the following product suite:

Client Compliance via Practice Manager

Perform the following steps from within MYOB Accountants Enterprise.

  1. From the Contacts drop down arrow select Clients. The Find Clients page opens.
  2. Search for the client you wish to create a tax return for and select Client compliance from the Tasks panel. The <client name> - Client Compliance window appears.
  3. Click Add. The Compose Document window appears.
  4. Select Tax Form from the Type drop-down list and then click OK. The New Tax Form window appears.

    The Title field may be left blank in the Compose Document window.
  5. Select the required year from the Year field. The year appears in the Year field.
  6. Select the required contact from the Tax Contact drop-down list. The contact appears in the Tax Contact field.
  7. Click Next. The second step of the New Tax Form window appears.
  8. Select any required options from this window and then click Finish. A Roll Forward window might appear.  If so, select the required option and then click OK. The return appears.
Contacts not using Practice Manager

Perform the following steps from the Windows Desktop.

  1. Follow the menu path: Start > Programs > MYOB Accountants Enterprise > Contacts. The Contacts window appears.
  2. From the contact list, highlight the contact and then press Enter. The contact's details appear.
  3. Click the Matters tab. The matter details appear.
  4. Highlight the matter that contains the tax documents, which might be called TAX or General and may vary from system to system; then click Open. The Documents tab appears.

    If you do not see a matter for Tax, click Add. Select the Tax template and click Finish. This opens the matter. Continue with Step 5.
  5. Click Add. The Compose Document window appears.
  6. Select Tax Form from the Type drop-down list and then click OK. The New Tax Form window appears.

    The Title field may be left blank in the Compose Document window.
  7. Select the required year from the Year field. The year appears in the Year field.
  8. Select the required contact from the Tax Contact drop down list. The contact appears in the Tax Contact field.
  9. Click Next. The second step of the New Tax Form window appears.
  10. Select any required options from this window and then click Finish. A Roll Forward window might appear. If so, select the required option and then click OK. The tax return appears.
JavaScript errors detected

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