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Creating an AE Assets Ledger

This support note applies to:

  • AE Assets (AU)
  • AE Assets (NZ)
Article ID: 36911

MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) Assets lets you record and monitor your client's fixed assets and produce a report on both Accounting and Taxation depreciation.

The integration feature from Assets to MAS and Accounts can be used to post journals to the General Ledger automatically.

If you use MAS or a standalone version of Assets, you'll generally access Assets via System Release. If you are a Contacts or Client Compliance user, you'll access AE Assets from within your client's Accounts ledger.

Follow the instructions below to create and set up a new assets ledger for your client.

If you access Assets via System Release

To create a new Assets ledger:

  1. Open System Release and navigate to the folder where your AE Assets and MAS Ledgers are stored. Commonly, this is the S6CLIENT folder.

  2. From the File menu select New. The Select new object to create... dialog opens.

  3. Click Item, then enter the following information in the New item properties window:

    ClientEnter the client code

    Type "AST" or click

    the ellipses button
    and select AST from the list

    NameEnter a description for the ledger. For example, your client's name
    LocationThe default location is the name of the System Services folder in which the client is located.

  4. Click OK to continue. A blank AST ledger is created for your client. You may now continue to set up the ledger using the Ledger Creation Wizard.

To set up the new Assets ledger

  1. Confirm the Ledger Code and Description fields. These fields are displayed and disabled as they have already been established during the creation of the AST ledger.

  2. Select from the following options:

    Create a new ledgerThis option sets up a new Assets ledger. If you want to copy the asset control groups, associates or pools from another ledger, tick the checkbox.
    Duplicate an existing ledgerThis option creates a copy of an existing Asset ledger.
  3. Enter the ABN and Tax File Number details, then click Next to continue.

    The Country field is set by default to Australia and can not be changed.
  4. Specify your general ledger integration. If your ledger is integrated to a MAS ledger, by default the   Post entries to General Ledger is selected. You can deselect this option if you wish to post entries manually. If the Assets ledger is standalone, entries must be posted manually to the general ledger.

  5. Specify your entry posting type by selecting to Generate entries for either Accounting or Taxation purposes. Then click Next.

  6. Confirm the Report Heading and Year and Period details is correct or amend if required. Then click Finish.

The ledger is successfully created. You can either select to Open in the current session to begin entering assets or Close Assets to enter assets later.

If you access Assets via AE Accounts

To create a new Assets ledger from AE Accouints:

  1. Open Contacts or Client Compliance, select the client and follow the menu path File > Open > Accounts...
  2. From within the AE Accounts ledger, click the File menu, select Open and then click Assets.
  3. Within the Accounts - Asset creation wizard, select AE Assets as the asset system to use, then click Finish. A blank AST ledger is created for your client. You may now continue to set up the ledger using the Ledger Creation Wizard.

To set up the new Assets ledger

  1. Confirm the Ledger Code and Description fields. These fields are displayed and disabled as they have already been established during the creation of the AST ledger.

  2. Select from the following options:

    Create a new ledgerThis option sets up a new Assets ledger. If you want to copy the asset control groups, associates or pools from another ledger, tick the checkbox.
    Duplicate an existing ledgerThis option creates a copy of an existing Asset ledger.
  3. Enter the ABN and Tax File Number details, then click Next to continue.

    The Country field is set by default to Australia and can not be changed.
  4. Specify your general ledger integration. If your ledger is integrated to a MAS ledger, by default the Post entries to General Ledger is selected. You can deselect this option if you wish to post entries manually. If the Assets ledger is standalone, entries must be posted manually to the general ledger.

  5. Specify your entry posting type by selecting to Generate entries for either Accounting or Taxation purposes. Then click Next.

  6. Confirm the Report Heading and Year and Period details is correct or amend if required. Then click Finish.

The ledger is successfully created. You can either select to Open in the current session to begin entering assets or Close Assets to enter assets later.

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