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Creating and allocating a page setup

This support note applies to:

  • AO Tax (AU)
  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
  • AE Tax (AU)
Article ID: 29666

In MYOB Tax, you may need to create a new page setup for example, where an ATO schedule appears truncated or 'cut off'.

To use the new page setup, you'll can then allocate the page setup as a:

  • System default: applied to all users.
  • User preference: applied to a certain user, based on your system login details
To create a new page setup

  1. Within any return for the year that you want to create the page setup, go to the File menu and select Page setups. The Select page setup window appears.
  2. Click New. The New page setup window appears.
  3. Type the new name of the page setup in the Name field.
  4. Click the Apply a default printer for this page setup checkbox, if applicable. The fields below the checkbox are enabled and the Printer name appears.
  5. Click the Page layout tab and apply the settings required. You can use the table below, of MYOB default settings as a guideline.


    Basic Tax Return Printer Setup

    Top Margin


    Bottom Margin


    Left Margin


    Right Margin


    Page scaling



    Courier New





    Paper size




    Double underlines


  6. Click OK. The Select page setup window appears.
  7. Click Cancel. The return appears and a new page setup is complete.

To allocate a page setup based on user preference
  1. From within any tax return for the year that you want to allocate the page setup for, go to Maintenance > User Preferences. The User Preferences window appears.
  2. Click the Print Options tab and click Return print setup. The [User Name] Print Setup window appears, where [User Name] is the name of the logged-in user.
  3. Click the required print setup field ellipses [...] button for the part of the return/form that you want to allocate the page setup to. The Select page setup window appears.
  4. Select the name of the page setup that you want to allocate and click Select. The [User Name] Print Setup window appears, where [User Name] is the name of the logged-in user.
  5. Click OK. The User Preferences window appears.
  6. Click OK. The return appears and the page setup is allocated to the required print setup item based on the user logged in.
To allocate a page setup as a system default
  1. From within any tax return for the year that you want to allocate the page setup for, go to Utilities > Practice default options > Return print setup. The Print Setup window appears.
  2. Click the Print Setup tab and click the required print setup field ellipses [...] button for the part of the return/form that you want to allocate the page setup to. The Select page setup window appears.
  3. Select the name of the page setup that you want to allocate and click Select. The Print Setup window appears.

    Apply to all restores all page setups and configurations customised by employees to the practice standard.
  4. Click OK. The return appears and the page setup is allocated to the required print setup item system-wide as a default.
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