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Deleting a company statement for a corporation that is not in Corporate Compliance

This support note applies to:

  • AO Corporate Compliance (AU)
  • AE Corporate Compliance (AU)
Article ID: 36064

There may be occasion when a company statement is sent by ASIC and the corporation is not in Corporate Compliance (CC). If the Statement downloaded from ASIC does not detect the A.C.N in CC , this statement shows in the Company Statements list as "Unknown company" under the Corporation column.

This may be a new client that you have not yet added to Corporate Compliance. In this scenario add the corporation into Corporate Compliance and then use the 'Match unknown contacts' function in the Company Statements menu.

However, if this is a former client and no longer exists , this is most likely due to the new agent not having submitted the Form 362, appointing themselves as agent. In this scenario you need to add the Corporation into CC temporarily, then match the company statement with the corporation. You can then remove the company statement from the company statements list.

To match and delete the "Unknown Company" statement
  1. Click the Company Statements menu on the Task Pane. The Company Statements window opens in the right-hand pane.
  2. Highlight the relevant statement and click View statement. The statement opens as a PDF document.
  3. Note the Company Name and A.C.N and close the document. The Corporate Compliance window appears.
  4. Create a corporation using the aforementioned Company Name and A.C.N. The corporation displays on the Corporations list.
  5. Click Company Statements and highlight the relevant statement.
  6. Click Match unknown companies. The corporation name resolves to the correct name as per the statement.
  7. Click Archive company statement. The company statement is removed from the Company Statements list.

    To prevent a recurrence, you may choose to generate and lodge a Form 361 from the Agents menu to cease yourself as the agent for this corporation. Generate and lodge this form prior to deleting the corporation.

  8. If required, click Corporations, highlight the corporation and click Delete corporation. The corporation is deleted.
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