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Deleting an asset (AE Assets)

This support note applies to:

  • AE Assets (AU)
Article ID: 29156

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise Assets (AE Assets) you may require to delete an asset from the register.

When you wish to delete assets you need to perform the following: 

1. Edit asset details to $0
  1. Open the AE Assets ledger. The main Assets screen appears showing the asset control groups in the left-hand pane.

  2. Highlight the required asset control group in the left-hand pane. The assets contained in this group will appear in the right-hand pane.

    This is the original control group and not the pool group.

  3. Double click to open the relevant Asset. The Asset screen appears to the default tab 'Taxation', which displays the taxation details of the asset.

  4. Click in the Cost field and type 0. The Cost field shows as 0.

    Repeat step 4 for all remaining fields containing figures, to edit all taxation fields to 0.

  5. Click the Accounting tab. The Accounting details of the asset are displayed.

  6. Click in the Original Cost field and type 0. The Original Cost field shows as 0.

    Repeat step 6 for all remaining fields containing figures, to edit all accounting fields to 0.

  7. Click OK.

2. Calculate depreciation
  1. From the Tools menu, select Re-calculate Depreciation. The Depreciation screen appears showing a list of all the control groups.
  2. Ensure the check box next to the required groups are checked click OK. The calculation of depreciation occurs and the main assets screen appears.
3. Delete asset from within original asset control group

It is important that you calculate depreciation before deleting the asset otherwise the balances in the pool will not be updated correctly.

Complete the 2. Calculate depreciation process found above.

  1. Highlight the required asset control group in the left-hand pane. The assets contained in this group appear in the right-hand pane.

    This is the original control group and not the pool group.

  2. Highlight the relevant asset to be edited and click the Delete icon.The message "Delete? Are you sure you want to delete selected asset "xxxx" from the ledger?" appears.
  3. Click Yes. The asset is deleted and main asset screen appears.
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