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Department headings not displayed in reports for departmental ledgers

This support note applies to:

  • AO Classic (NZ)
Article ID: 38747

In MYOB AO Classic General Ledger (AO GL) version 19.0.1a, you may experience an issue with department headings not displaying for departmental ledgers in departmental reports such as report IDs 400, 401, 406 and 407.

This issue occurs where the department headings have been entered in the x000 accounts.

We have addressed this issue in AO Classic, version 21.0.0.

Download the latest release on the my.MYOB Product Downloads page, New Zealand.

Prior to this release, to resolve this issue edit the relevant report manually to display the Type as Heading and the Standard Description as [ACC:AD:0200].

To amend the Departmental Statement of Financial Performance report
  1. Open the AO General Ledger and from the Reports menu, select Edit Customised Financial Report Definitions. The Edit Customised Financial Report Definitions window opens.
  2. Press F4. The Adding a New Customised Report window opens.
  3. Enter 406 in the Report ID field. The report ID is entered
  4. Enter Departmental Statement of Financial Performance in Report Description. The Report Description is added.
  5. Select Copyan existing report. The copy fields become active.
  6. Select ZZNZ55 - Departmental Ex Comp in the Copy from Ledger field. The ZZNZ55 - Departmental Ex Comp master is selected.
  7. From the Report to Copy drop-down list select 406 - Departmental Statement of Financial Performance and click OK to add the report. The Modify Customised Report Details screen appears.
  8. Select the Lines tab. The report design appears.
  9. Double-click line 30. The Report Line Details window appears.
  10. For Line Type select No Print. No Print appears in line 30.
  11. In Line 40 change the Type to Heading and the Standard Description to [ACC:AD:0200]. The type Heading displays in Line 40.
  12. Click Close. The changes are saved and the report is added to the customised list.

MYOB Internal Notes:

Insert PR# 146365037884

SR# 146018584372


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