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Department Income Statement not displaying for MYOB Essentials ledgers in Statutory Reporter

This support note applies to:

  • AE Statutory Reporter (AU)
  • AO Statutory Reporter (AU)
Article ID: 31932409

When generating reports in Statutory Reporter for a departmental ledger, the Department Income Statement does not display in the reports for each department.

This issue occurs where the configured ledger is an MYOB Essentials ledger.

We're aware of this issue and we're looking into a solution.

For Essentials ledgers, departments are defined by sub-codes where the Number of digits before sub code is 4.

The Department Name comes from the account code 4-0000 where the department names are in accounts 4-0001, 4-0002 and 4-0003.


Insert PR# 163483299961

SR# 163158471253

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