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Discounting a bill in AO Practice Manager

This support note applies to:

  • AO Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AO Practice Manager (AU)
Article ID: 34613

You may wish to give a client a discount and then show the discount on the actual bill. A discount can be applied to a bill after billing out time and disbursements by adding a negative miscellaneous charge to the bill. This will then reduce the overall bill amount.

To set up a new miscellaneous charge task code for discount given
  1. In AO PM, follow the menu path: Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Code Types. The Code Types screen appears.
  2. Click the [+] for Misc Charge. The list of codes for the code type appears.
  3. In the new record row, complete the fields, Code, Short Name, Description, Unit, Markup, Tax Rate and CRM Type/Availability.

    For the Code, Name or Description you could call this DISCOUNT GIVEN.

    Ensure you select the relevant tax rate for example, Taxable Supplies, at the Tax Rate field. 

  4. Click OK to save changes.
To apply the discount given miscellaneous charge to a bill
  1. Create the bill in the usual way and in Stage Two bill out the WIP.

  2. In Stage Two, click the [+] icon 'Create miscellaneous charge' in the top left-hand side of the screen. The Select Job Type screen appears.

  3. Highlight the relevant Job Type and click Add. The Create new billing charge screen appears.

    Make sure the date of the miscellaneous charge is in the same month as the bill date.

  4. Select the type of miscellaneous charge in the Type field, in this case DISCOUNT GIVEN, and enter the net amount as a negative value, for example -50.00.

    Also enter any comment or note about the discount.

  5. Click Close. The Stage Two screen appears with the miscellaneous charge total.

  6. Click Next. Stage Three of the Billing Wizard is displayed.

  7. Add or type in the paragraphs for the total time. For the total misc charge, type in why the discount was given.

    If you have selected Summary, a paragraph will default for the total time and another for the total miscellaneous charge and these can be amended.

  8. Select Next and finalise the bill in the usual way.

    When selecting an invoice style, a style such as Invoice - with paragraph totals shows the client the total per paragraph which includes the total discount amount.

MYOB Internal Notes

This article applies to AO Practice Manager only. AE clients are more likely to apply the discount via the debtors ledger when receipting the bill.  The process for AE clients is the same and the discount should be entered via a misc charge for reporting purposes.


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