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Displaying Unpaid Trust Distributions on the Balance Sheet in AE Reporter

This support note applies to:

  • AE Reporter (AU)
Article ID: 33810

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) Reporter, for Trust ledgers in the 2011 year onwards, the Balance Sheet shows Unpaid Trust Distributions as a separate line item where the Trust is a Non Reporting entity.  To show this detail you need to produce the #Trust report.

The #Trust and #Trust Non Compliance all Balance Sheet Notes reports for a Reporting entities show the value from Unpaid Trust Distributions included in the Trade and Other Payables item on the Balance Sheet and detailed in the corresponding note.

To specify the Trust as Non Reporting
  1. Open the General Ledger and follow the menu path:
    Reports > Reporter > Generate reports.
  2. Click the Non-Transaction Data tab.
  3. Click the drop-down arrow on the Entity Type field and select Non Reporting.
  4. Click Apply.

When you print the #Trust report, the Unpaid Trust Distribution value shows as a separate line item on the Balance Sheet.

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