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Dividends not displaying in the Retained Earnings or in the Balance Sheet

This support note applies to:

  • AE Statutory Reporter (NZ)
  • AE Statutory Reporter (AU)
Article ID: 37164

In MYOB Statutory Reporter, you may notice dividends are not included in the Retained Earnings section of the Balance Sheet.

This occurs when recording the dividend paid to an equity account.

To display the value of dividends paid, you can show this on the Income Statement in the Appropriation section by journalling the dividend to a 9-xxxx (Other Expense) account instead of an equity account. This will ensure that the value for net profit is correct on the Income Statement and on the Balance Sheet.

When mapping the Account Groups in Statutory Reporter, assign the 9-xxx account to the Profit & Loss > Appropriation > Dividends folder.


SR # 17176727046

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