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DM Addin does not load when opening in Outlook

This support note applies to:

  • AO Document Manager (AU)
  • AO Document Manager (NZ)
  • AE Document Manager (NZ)
  • AE Document Manager (AU)
Article ID: 38386

In MYOB Document Manager (DM) a user may experience when opening Microsoft (MS) Outlook that the DM Addin does not load. This may also occur in MS Word and Excel products. Attempting to activate the addin may cause the addin to become inactive.

This issue occurs because the following registry key MYOBKMOutlook.AddinModule > Load behavior  is set incorrectly.

To resolve this issue you will need to edit this registry key.

MYOB strongly recommends that editing any registry key should only be performed by an experienced IT Professional.
To update the Registry key
  1. From the Start menu select Run. The Run window appears.
  2. Type regedit and click OK. The Registry Editor window appears.
  3. Navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Office > Outlook > Addins > MYOBKMOutlook.AddinModule > LoadBehavior>. Registry key now appears.
  4. Change value to '3' and close registry.
  5. Navigate back to Step 3 to ensure that '3' remains.

If DM addin still appears as Inactive after activating and closing/opening Outlook, then perform the following steps:

  1. In Outlook follow the menu path: File > Addins > COM-Addins > MYOB Document Manager. MYOB Document Manager addin appears.
  2. Take note of the path/filename and then delete the Addin. DM addin should now appear when MS Outlook is opened.


SR# 118424285026 

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