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Duplicate People or Corporations in Corporate Compliance

This support note applies to:

  • AO Corporate Compliance (AU)
  • AE Corporate Compliance (AU)
Article ID: 36850

When working in MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) and Accountants Office (AO) Corporate Compliance, you may come across duplicate People or Corporations which may lead to inaccurate or incomplete reporting of changes to ASIC.

When you identify a duplicate entry, we recommended the following steps in this article to remove the duplicate contact as soon as possible.

The procedures in this article assume that the duplicate contact names are exactly the same. In situations where the duplicate contacts are people whose names are slightly different, you can consolidate positions and holdings into a single contact as long as care is taken to inform ASIC of corrections to names where applicable.

For example, where "John Smith" is an Officer and is also a Member under the name "John Peter Smith", when consolidating into contact John Smith, ASIC needs to be notified to correct the member name to remove the middle name. This is performed by preparing and lodging a Form 492.

1. Identify the contact to delete

Review both contact records in MYOB AE/AO to check for related work such as Tax Returns, WIP, Billing.

Typically the retained record is a client and the duplicate one a contact, but this is not always the case. Where neither contact has related work in AE or AO, check the companies they are associated with and especially for people, use the contact that has not signed any lodged forms in CC.  You can view this information on the ASIC Forms tab within the corporations they are associated with.

2. Remove associations from the contact

Check the associations for duplicate entries and review.

For a corporation:

  • Open the Corporation details and select the Shares & Units Held tab and Positions Held tab, tick Include former positions or holdings. These two tabs display the current and former shareholdings and positions held by this corporation.

For a person:

  • Open the person details and select the Positions Held tab and Shares & Units held tab, tick Include former positions or holdings. These two tabs display the current and former shareholdings and positions held by this person.

You will need to access each corporation listed and change the positions and holding details to the correct contact.

3. Add or edit associations to the contact to be retained

Check and amend any existing share transactions.

The shareholder will have received their share by way of an allotment or transfer. You'll need to check that the duplicate contact is not present in any historical share transactions. To do this, from the Members tab tick include former holders.

The duplicate contact may show as a former holder with zero shares for one or more capital classes. This may involve reversing subsequent share transfers until the duplicate holder is showing as a current holder, and then proceeding with the Change share issue steps above, before then re processing those reversed share transfers to bring your data up to date. No forms would be selecting during these data entry wizards as you are doing database corrections only.

Correct office holdings

Note the details of the office holding including position and date of appointment

Click on the appoint/cease officer wizard and appoint the correct contact to the position/s. Untick the forms during the wizard as this is a database update only. Once the correct contacts are listed as officer/s, right click on the positions of the incorrect contact and select delete officer.

Remove former positions assigned to the incorrect contact

From the officers tab, click on "include former officers". Any resigned officers will display. Right click and select delete officer on any positions held by the incorrect contact. If you wish to retain the former officer's position history, you can add the correct contact into a position and resign them, unticking all forms.

Once you have removed all associations of the duplicate contact, provided the duplicate contact has not signed any lodged forms, or shows as an attendee in any meeting documents, you may first delete the contact from Corporate Compliance, and then from AE.

Remove form and document associations

Take a backup copy of any forms or documents you intend to remove from CC.

If the duplicate contact has signed a form that has been lodged you will not be able to delete this contact without first deleting the form and you cannot delete a lodged form unless you delete the actual corporation. Rather than delete the corporation, we recommend you amend the last name record of the duplicate contact to begin with ZZDoNotUse, so there is no chance of reuse, and it is removed to the end of your contact list in CC If the duplicate contact has signed a form that has not been lodged you may change the signing officer on that form (ASIC forms module > highlight form > change signing details > use drop down menu to select the correctly appointed contact) and this will allow remove the association of this person from the form.0

If the contact you wish to delete is an attendee at a meeting, you will need to delete the document from the documents tab of the associated corporation to remove the association.


4. Delete the duplicate contact
  1. From the People module, highlight the person record you wish to delete. The person is highlighted.
  2. Follow the menu path: Actions > Delete person. The Delete Individual window appears.
  3. Click OK to confirm The person is now deleted.

Once the contact has been deleted from CC, you can now delete the corresponding entry in AE or AO

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