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Duplicating a MAS ledger

This support note applies to:

  • AE MAS (NZ)
  • AE MAS (AU)
Article ID: 29932

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise MAS (AE MAS) you may wish to make a copy of a ledger using a different code. 

You could use this process as an extra method of backing up the MAS data after completing a year of work. For example, you may have a ledger with the code ABCPL16 containing the data for the 2016 year, you then duplicate this ledger to the code ABCPL17 and roll over this new ledger and continue with the 2017 data.

There are two duplication settings:

Full copyCopies the ledger structure including the client chart of accounts, reporter settings, transactions and balances.
Partial copy

Copies the ledger structure including the client chart of accounts, and reporter settings.

The procedure below will walk you through the process of duplicating a MAS ledger:

To duplicate a MAS ledger
  1. Open System Release and from the File menu, select New.
  2. In the Select new object to create window, click Item.
  3. In the New Item Properties window, enter a new client code in the Client: field and press the Tab key on the keyboard.
  4. In the Type: field, enter MAS4 then press Tab.
  5. Enter your client's name in the Name: field then press Tab.
  6. Click the ellipses

    button and in the Select folder window, highlight the folder that contains your MAS4 files then click Select.

  7. In the New Item Properties window, click OK, then click Yes to the message "Do you wish to create a shortcut in the 'Ledgers' folder?".
  8. In the Welcome to the New MAS ledger Wizard, Click Next.
  9. In the Create a new MAS ledger screen, select Duplicate Ledger and click Next.

  10. Click the Select ledger button then choose the folder that contains your MAS ledgers.
  11. Highlight the MAS ledger you wish to copy then click Select. The details regarding the source MAS ledger appear under Ledger to Duplicate.
  12. Select either Partial copy or Full copy as required then click Next.

  13. Enter the Report Heading(s) and Australian Business Number (optional) then click Next.

  14. If you have selected:

    • Full copy, click the Next button on each screen until you see the Completing the New MAS Ledger Wizard screen appears. Then click Finish to create the ledger and close the New MAS Ledger Wizard.

    • Partial copy, check the year and period details are correct, then click Next and then Next again. Then check that the Other ledger settings are correct then click Next and then Finish to create the ledger and close the New MAS Ledger Wizard.

The duplicated ledger is now ready to use.

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