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Ensuring Account Lookup receives data from the scheduled download

This support note applies to:

  • AE Tax (NZ)
Article ID: 35468

These instructions require technical expertise

Make sure you know what you're doing and are using one of the products listed. If you're not sure, ask your IT professional or MYOB.

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) Tax, you can set up a Scheduled Task to run each night to download data from the Internal Revenue Department (IRD).  If the task is running successfully, however no data is being received, perform the following to identify and rectify the cause.

To review the scheduled task

Click Start and type Task Scheduler and press ENTER. The Task Scheduler opens.

Check the location

Check that the Scheduled Task IRDAccountLookUpService is set up to run on the SQL Server - the same server where the VizPost background task runs.

Check the settings

Review the following in the IRDAccountLookUpService Scheduled Task:

Check thisDetails

General tab

  • Set the user name the same Admin user that runs the VizPost background task. Click Change User or Group... and enter the Administrator user's name. Click OK, and enter the Password when prompted.
  • Select the Run only when user is logged on option.
  • Select the Run with highest privileges option.

Triggers tab

Change to a time past 5am to randomise the load on the IRD server.

Actions tab

  • Ensure the Program/script is: IRDAccountCodeLookUp.Controller.exe.
  • Type  /Mode=NightlyDownload in the Add arguments (optional) field.
  • Set the Start In (optional): field to show a mapped drive location of \SOL64 folder.  For exammple G:\SOL64\

    Include the trailing backslash '\'.

To review the IRD configuration files

Open the \SOL64 folder, open the configuration files and review the following: 


This file uses UNC paths, ensure there are no mapped drives.  For example:

Check that the server name(s) are correct.

In the above example, the \SOL64 folder is located on server SERVER01, whereas TAXFILE is on the server SQLSERVER.  In other cases, both the SOL64 and TAXFILE may be on the same server.


     15/06/2011 7:22:00 a.m.
     [Admin user]
     [encrypted password]
If the above details are incorrect, you may need to modify the Scheduled Task and .IRD files by running the Account Lookup Scheduler in \SOL64\SETUP, re-enter the correct Admin User credentials, and click OK.  Once you have modified the Scheduled Task, re-check the parameters in this file. 


Ensure the content of this file is Default.

To review the task process
  1. Rename old IRD files in \SOL64\FILES\SQLTAX\TAXFILE\ALOOKUP, ie. Accountsxxx.IRD, Transactionsxxx.IRD, IRDAccountLookUpLog.txt.
  2. Open Task Manager, select Processes tab. The Processes are listed sorted by Name alphabetically.
  3. Open Task Scheduler and run the IRDAccountLookUpService Scheduled Task.   In the Task Manager Processes list, you see the IRDAcccountCodeLookUp.Controller.EXE appear and run.| The System Services window opens up, automatically logs in, then closes.   Then the Tax Tracking window opens up, automatically logs in, then close. Also in the \ALOOKUP folder, a new log file ALULog.txt is created.
  4. Open the ALULog.txt file with Notepad. You should see the following section:
         General Information: 0 : Timestamp: 28/05/2013 4:52:16 p.m.
         Message: making service call...
    This indicates that Controller.EXE is contacting the IRD server. After a few minutes, a couple of files appear in the \ALOOKUP folder Accounts[xxxx].IRD, Transactions[xxxx].IRD; then a couple of .IDX files appear, _[alphanumeric].IRD.
    The System release window opens again, and in the centre of the window shows the transactions being processed.
    Once this is completed, the window opens and closes multiple times, where the system is checking and reconciling individual client info with the IRD server.
  5. Review the log file ALULog.txt.

Error messages in the ALULog.text file

Some possible error messages in the log file are:


"The request channel timed out while waiting for a reply after 00:05:00."

This is a communications error, where the IRD server has not responded in the time required. This may be because the IRD servers are busy – particularly if run during business hours. Check that the Scheduled Task is set to run from  5:00am onwards for example.

“Server returned an invalid SOAP Fault.”

This is a communications error, where the IRD server has not responded in the time required. This may be because the IRD servers are busy – particularly if run during business hours. Check that the Scheduled Task is set to run from  5:00am onwards for example.

“There was no endpoint listening at”

This usually indicates no communication was possible with the IRD system – often because a proxy server was not allowing communication out.

 To check Proxy Server settings

  1. Open Control Panel and select Internet Options.
  2. Click the Connections tab.
  3.  Click LAN settings; if Use a proxy server is selected, click the Advanced button, and add the address into the Exceptions field.
  4. Click OK on all windows to close.


One of the IRD Online Services usernames and/or logins as held in MYOBAO Classic is incorrect. Verify ALL Usernames and passwords by going to IRD’s website, and try logging into Online Services using the usernames and passwords supplied.  This may be the main Username & Password held in Tools > Options..., select Tax tab and then Account Lookup sub-tab, click IRD Login Settings button; or if Allow separate agency details for staff is ticked on the Tax Returns sub-tab, then go to Employees tab, select an employee and then select Agents sub-tab and check Username & Passwords held in Account Lookup login details section.

“Insufficient permissions for setting the configuration section 'defaultProxy'.”

Check the file \SOL64\IRDAccountCodeLookUp.Controller.exe.config – does it contain the following section?:
               <defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true">
If so, make a copy of the .CONFIG file as IRDAccountCodeLookUp.Controller.exe. Config.OLD.

This is so you can undo the changes if required.

Then remove the above section in the .config file and Save.  Then run the Scheduled Task again.

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