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Entering a credit note in Practice Manager

This support note applies to:

  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
Article ID: 26716

Credit notes let you record a credit amount against any future work billed. In Accountants Enterprise (AE) Practice Manager, credit notes need to be entered as a negative miscellaneous charge bill.

Credit notes do not match to an invoice number and do not produce an adjustment note.
To enter a negative miscellaneous charge
  1. From within Practice Manager, open the client that you wish to enter a credit against. The Main tab appears.
  2. Click Billing Wizard on the Task bar. Stage One of the Billing Wizard opens.
  3. Enter the required information in Stage One of the Billing Wizard then click Next.
  4. In Stage Two of the Billing Wizard, click the [+] icon located in the top left-hand side of the screen to Create miscellaneous charge. The Select Client Assignment screen opens.
  5. Highlight the relevant assignment and click Add. The Create new billing charge screen appears.
  6. Select the type of credit note from the Type drop-down list and enter the net amount as a negative. Add any notes required then click OK.

    The Type of credit note you select will determine if the amount entering will include tax or not. To check the tax rate set-up on the code, go to Maintenance > Miscellaneous > Code Types and expand [+] the Misc. Charge code type.

  7. Click Close. The Stage Two screen appears with the miscellaneous charge total.
  8. Click Next. Stage Three of the Billing Wizard is displayed.

  9. Enter any paragraph text to appear on the bill then finalise the bill.

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