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Error: '5\Record is out of range' in Invoicing or Timesheets

This support note applies to:

  • AO Classic Practice Management (AU)
  • AO Classic (NZ)
Article ID: 32673

The error 5/record is out of range may occur when in the Invoicing or Timesheets module. It is due to corruption to the indexing files. To fix the error the cadata files need to be deleted from the Data folder, and the cdx files from the Timeman folder. Before you start this procedure, ensure all users are logged out of Accountants Office.

To fix this issue
  1. In Accountants Office go to Help > About MYOB Accountants Office > Application Details. The MYOB Accountants Office Information window opens. Write down the path that is showing against the Data folder e.g. X:\MYOBAO\Data.
  2. Left-click on Start and select My Computer. The contents of the Computer opens.
  3. Double-click into the drive that holds the data e.g. X:\ then MYOBAO, then Data. The contents of the Data folder opens up.
  4. Highlight the three files named, CADATA.DBC, CADATA.DCT and CADATA.DCX, and from the File menu, select Delete. The message "Are you sure you want to send these 3 items to the Recycle Bin?" appears.
  5. Click Yes. The files are deleted and no longer appear in the folder.
  6. Navigate to the Timeman folder which is held in the Data folder. e.g. X:\MYOBAO\Data\Timeman.
  7. Go to the View menu, select Details. The details of the folders and files appear.

    If Details is already selected in the View menu, go to step 8.

  8. Click the Type column heading to sort by file type. The files are sorted by file type.
  9. Highlight all the files that are listed as CDX File in the Type column, and from the File menu, select Delete. The message "Are you sure you want to send these items to the Recycle Bin?" appears.

    If CDX File does not appear in the Type column for any files, highlight the files that have .CDX extensions in the Name column. If file extensions aren't visible, you will need to activate extensions to accomplish this. For details on doing this, refer to the procedure below titled 'Activating File Extensions'.

  10. Click Yes. The files are deleted and no longer appear in the Folder.
  11. After you open Accountants Office Click on File > Housekeeping > Reindex Databases, click into Select All and tick Remove Records Flagged for Deletion. Accountants Office will reindex.
Activating File Extensions
  1. In Windows Explorer, from the Tools menu, select Folder Options. The Folder Options window appears.
  2. Click the View tab and then clear the Hide extension for known file types checkbox and click OK. File extensions appear for the files in the Name column.
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