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Error: "61: Unable to open FILE WITH CONTACT" when saving documents

This support note applies to:

  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
Article ID: 23942

In MYOB Contacts the following error message Environment Error 61 Unable to open FILE WITH CONTACT. Solution 6 Desktop does not recognise the document type with extension "<extension type>" appears when selecting to send a document to an MYOB Contact using the following method - Right click > Send to > MYOB Contacts option.  The error is then followed by three files with .exe Application errors which indicates that the document type is missing.

This error can occur for any document type when trying to save it into Contacts and can be experienced after an upgrade from Microsoft Office 2003 to Microsoft Office 2007/2010/2013.

This is because the file extensions were changed from Office 2007 onwards from *.doc to *.docx for Word, and *.xls to *.xlsx for Excel.  

This article helps fix this error by adding the new document types in the MYOB Configuration module.

To add the document type

Perform the following steps on a workstation using the document type that you want add and open the Configuration module. 

  1. Double-click the Document Types icon. The Configure Document Types window appears.
  2. Click Add. The Document Types window appears.
  3. Select the required document type from the drop-down list and click OK. The Document Type window appears.
  4. Select the applicable program.
    • For Excel select Microsoft Office Excel Worksheet
    • For Word select Microsoft Office Word Document
  5. Click OK. The document type now appears in the Document Type list.
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.