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Error "C:\MYOBAO\Data\TAXMAN\ELSSYNC\xxxxx.ini path not found. Server maybe offine"

This support note applies to:

  • AO Tax (AU)
Article ID: 35012

In MYOB Accountants Office (AO) Tax, you may experience the error "C:\MYOBAO\Data\TAXMAN\ELSSYNC\xxxxx.ini path not found. Server maybe offine" followed by "Source file not found" when loding.

The errors occur if the ELSSYNC folder specified in AoSettings.ini cannot be found. Alternatively, if the file does not exist at all, then nothing happens when lodging.

Following are detailed steps on how to resolve this error using the AoSettings.inifile.

To configure the AOSettings.ini file
  1. Save the attached AoSettings.ini file to the AOSQL\Tax\TA\<dbname>\INI folder where <dbname> is the name of your tax database, i.e AOTAX1. If the file already exists, then you do not need the file attached to this article.

    You require this file to be able to roll over Classic AO returns and Lodge in MYOB AO Tax.
  2. Open the AoSettings.ini file in notepad and edit it to ensure the SharedFolder parameter equals the location of the AO Classic Data folder, ending in TAXMAN\ELSSYNC without quotes. If you do not have any Classic Data present, then remove the information on the last line so it reads only SharedFolder= When done, then Save the file.
  3. Following this, you are able to lodge without issue.

You may still receive the Source file not found error but lodgement still proceeds. In this case, your AO Classic data path has invalid characters in it, such as spaces. Ensure that only alphanumeric characters are used or else this error will persist.

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Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.