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Error: "Cannot open Assets ledger for client <name>. This ledger is currently in use on machine <name>."

This support note applies to:

  • AE Reporter (AU)
  • AE Assets (AU)
Article ID: 33815

When attempting to open an Accountants Enterprise (AE) Assets ledger after AE Reporter has been opened for the same client, you may experience the error "Cannot open Assets ledger for client <name>. This ledger is currently in use on machine <name>."

When opening AE Reporter for a client, an .ldb (Microsoft Access Locking file) file is created in the folder where your client's ledger, reporter, and assets data is stored.

When opening AE Assets for the same client, the system looks for the file type .ldb to identify if the Assets ledger is already opened. This means if an .ldb file exists in your client's data folder, AE Assets interprets this as the assets ledger is already open.

To open both Assets and Reporter at the same time, for the same client:

To have both programs open simultaneously, the assets ledger must be opened first:

  1. Close AE Reporter.
  2. Open the AE Assets ledger for the client.
  3. Once the assets ledger is open, you can then open AE Reporter for your client.


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