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Error: "Cannot resolve ASIC server name to IP Address"

This support note applies to:

  • AO Corporate Compliance (AU)

  • AE Corporate Compliance (AU)

Article ID: 25612

In MYOB Corporate Compliance (CC) you may experience the error "Cannot resolve ASIC Server name to IP address".

This occurs where the internet connection fails because of the incorrect firewall configuration. This Knowledge Base article describes the correct configuration and how to test the ASIC Internet connection.

To test your firewall settings
  1. Press and hold the Windows button and press R on your keyboard. The Run window appears.

  2. In the Open field, type cmd, then click OK

  3. In the Command prompt, type telnet 5610

  4. Press Enter. A blank, black dos window appears immediately with the cursor flashing at the left top screen.

If you receive an error message such as "could not open a connection" then the connection is most likely blocked by the firewall. You will need to open up port 5610 in your firewall to allow both inbound and outbound traffic to/from and

To configure your firewall settings

To lodge to ASIC over the internet, you'll need be able to connect from your workstation to ASIC as follows:

You may need to consult your IT department or IT consultant to assist you with this process

  • Open up IP Port 5610 to allow both inbound and outbound traffic

  • Remote host names - and

To check errors in the Session log

If the above firewall configuration is not setup correctly you may get errors when connecting to ASIC via ELS. When an internet lodgement session commences, a session log is generated to record the information sent and received from the ASIC EDGE system during that session. The last 20 electronic lodgment session logs are retained and can be viewed in the Session Logs tab of the Lodgments module.

  1. From Corporate Compliance, click Lodgment from the Task menu.  The Forms Lodgement window appears.

  2. Click the Session Logs tab.

  3. Highlight the session log for the relevant date and time, then click View session log from the Task menu. The Lodgement Session Log window appears.

Below is an example of the errors you may have received:

Cannot resolve ASIC server name to IP address.
Error running TCP/IP


Edge protocol connecting to ASIC server...
Exception received, closing session
Could not connect to host: Winsock error Number 10060
Error running TCP/IP

Support will not test complex restrictions such as those imposed by a customised ISA server.


When checking the Session log, there is an Archive folder created in the Electronic Lodgement path that contains the same Session Logs as listed in the Session Logs tab in the Lodgement module. When you click Send/Receive, the oldest Session Log is deleted from the Archive folder and similarly the Session Logs tab and a new Session Log generates in its place.

The Electronic Lodgement path is specified in Utilities > Settings > Electronic lodgement path. When Corporate Compliance is integrated with Profiles or Viztopia, the electronic lodgement path is the same as the Database path of Profiles. When Corporate Compliance is non-integrated, the electronic lodgement path is specified by the installer.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.