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Error: "CDS is integrated to Viztopia Practice Manager, all changes to client data must be made in Viztopia"

This support note applies to:

  • AE Tax (AU)
Article ID: 33741

The error can occur if you are using RunCDS Vizpost for integration, and integration is not running, client's details are not created in CDS in System Release.

To resolve the error restart VIZPOST and create the client again or run a resync after ensuring you have a reliable data backup and that all users out of MYOB applications.

To restart Vizpost
  1. On the SQL server, close if background post process window is running. The window has a last receive datagram with a red or a green light.
  2. Follow the menu path: Start > All programs > Solution 6 > RunCDSVizpost. The Background post processes window opens again.
  3. Newly created clients will appear in CDS in system services and will be able to create a tax return.

To run a resync
Take a reliable backup of your tax database and ensure all users out of MYOB.
  1. Follow the menu path: Start > All Programs > Solution 6 > Resync Viztopia to CDS. Resync window opens.
  2. Click Start. System will start the resync and message will appear Resync has completed successfully.
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.