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Error: "CMN.ATO.AUTH.007 : You do not have the correct permission to submit this request or retrieve this file"

This support note applies to:

  • AO Tax (AU)
  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
  • AE Tax (AU)
Article ID: 38231

What you need to know:

The ATO is decommissioning AUSkey on 27 March 2020. See AUSkey decommissioning on the ATO website for more details.
  • If you’re using Lodgment Manager to lodge, you don’t need to do anything.
  • If you're using AUSkey Authentication to lodge, you can’t lodge after 27 March 2020. Talk to your client manager about how to upgrade your practice.

    If you have any questions, contact us.


In the MYOB Lodgment Manager homepage you may experience the error "CMN.ATO.AUTH.007: You do not have the correct permission to submit this request or retrieve this file" when previewing the validation report.

To resolve this issue

We recommend you check the following and relodge the return:

  1. In the ATO Access manager under Access/Permissions, check if the agent number is added, has full permissions and can Prepare and Lodge returns of that type.
  2. Check if your client's ABN is active on If no longer active, remove the ABN in the tax return from Return Properties.
  3. Check the ATO Tax Agent Portal:
    • If this client is listed under the tax obligations subsection. If missing, add the client.
    • The ABN, TFN and Client Activity Center (ABN Branch Number) is the same as what is entered in MYOB Tax.

      The ABN Branch Number can be entered in Return Properties > General tab > Division number
  4. Check the tax return is assigned to the correct agent in Return Properties > Staff tab.

If it is still an issue, delete and re-add the client in ATO Tax Agent Portal.


Insert PR# 143199671430 


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