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Error: CMN.ATO.AUTH.011

This support note applies to:

  • AO Tax (AU)
  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
  • AE Tax (AU)
Article ID: 39224

In MYOB Tax version 2017.3, you might see a rejection when lodging tax returns and CU forms.

Code: CMN.ATO.AUTH.011


Summary: The client you transmitted is not associated with the agent number you supplied and cannot be authorised.

Details: A link between your client and your agent number does not exist for the selected task. Check that you have added this client to your registered agent number. You may also need to check if you have entered the correct client identifier and that you are using the correct registered agent number and try again.

This issue can occur if the details in the tax return don't match the ATO records.

For example, the taxpayer's ABN in the tax return (under Return Properties) is not the same as what's in for the same taxpayer, or the name on the CU form is not matching the details in the ATO Portal or in

The details are case sensitive and must be exactly the same as what's in the ATO records.

To fix the issue edit the details in the tax return to match the details in ATO records or contact the ATO.

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If this problem persists, please contact our support.