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Error: "Could not find a folder for the supplied pathname" when starting Run CDSVizpost or launching compliance modules

This support note applies to:

  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
  • AE Tax (NZ)
  • AE Tax (AU)
Article ID: 28302

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) you may receive the error "MYOB System Services. Could not find a folder for the supplied pathname" when starting Run CDSVizpost or launching compliance modules, for example Tax or MAS from AE.

The error can occur due to one of the following:

  • The target line on the desktop icon for Run CDS VizPost pointing to the wrong location; or
  • The incorrect configuration of the Tax or MAS items in Maintenance > User Defined > Configuration table.
To check the target line
> If you have a server environment, ensure the following steps are performed on the server.
> If you have a standalone environment, then the following steps can be performed on the standalone machine.

At your Windows desktop perform the following steps:

  1. From the Start menu, navigate to: All Programs > Solution 6. The Solution 6 menu opens.
  2. Right click on Run CDSVizPost and select Properties. The Run CDSVizPost Properties screen appears.

    Alternatively, search for Run CDSVizpost

  3. Make the required changes and click Apply. The icon is updated.

DatabaseCommand in Target line

E:\SOL64\sr.exe /f S6:\\<Server>\MSSQL\SQLTAX\DATABASE\CDS /EPCVizPost S6:\\<server>\msgq\vizcds
where: E:\SOL64 is the installation directory for System Release; SQLTAX is the name of your SQL tax database; <Server> is the machine name where your SQL database resides.


Non-SQLE:\SOL64\sr.exe /f E:\SOL63\DATABASE\CDS /EPCVizPost S6:\\<server>\msgq\vizcds,
where: E:\SOL64 is the installation directory for System Release; E:\SOL63 is the installation directory for Central Database; and <server> is the machine name where your SQL database resides.
To check the Configuration table
The instructions below use the example of launching Tax installed in E:\sol63 directory.

Open AE and perform the following steps:

  1. Follow the menu path: Maintenance > User Defined > Configuration. The Configuration page appears.
  2. For the Key Name Sol6Tax Ledger type the following command in the Key Value field: sr EPSTART S6:\\ServerName\MSSQL\SQLTAX\TAX/Tax2017 -cCLIENTCODE
    where: ServerName is the name of the server where your SQL database resides;
    TAX is the ledger code for Tax; and Tax2018 is your current Tax year. Tax2018 is case sensitive. If Tax is in uppercase the error message will appear.

    If you are using Non-SQL Tax, substitute the above command with:
    where:E:\SOL63 is the installation directory of Tax; TAX is the ledger code for your Tax ledger; and Tax2018 is the current year tax ledger.
    If the error appears when launching a MAS ledger, substitute the command at step 2 with:
    sr EPSTART C:\S6CLIENT\CLIENTCODE/MAS4, where: S6CLIENT is the installation directory of MAS.
  3. Click OK. The changes are saved.
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.