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Error: "D01 or D03 - Invalid DIS User ID or password" when lodging in Corporate Compliance

This support note applies to:

  • AO Corporate Compliance (AU)
  • AE Corporate Compliance (AU)
Article ID: 30234

When lodging forms or documents from MYOB Corporate Compliance to ASIC, you may experience one or both of the following errors:

  • D01 - Invalid user ID or password
  • D03 - Too many failed login attempts, account LOCKED - contact ASIC.

To resolve these errors, you'll need to contact ASIC on 1300 300 630 to request your EDGE password to be reset.

When you request a password reset, ASIC reset your EDGE password in their system to be the same as your EDGE User ID. This means that your EDGE User ID also becomes your temporary EDGE password.

This takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes to take effect on ASIC's system.

You'll then need to make this same change in the Agent Details of Corporate Compliance. This means the DIS Password (your EDGE Password) needs to be the same as the DIS User ID (your EDGE User ID).

When re-connecting to ASIC, the temporary password is used to identify your agency with ASIC. If successful, the password is then changed to a 28 day password and is automatically updated in Corporate Compliance.

1. Contact ASIC to reset your EDGE password

Contact ASIC on 1300 300 630 and request they reset your EDGE password on their system.

The ASIC EDGE Help desk assistant will ask you for your EDGE User ID to confirm the practice you are calling from. Your EDGE password is then reset in ASIC's system to be the same as your EDGE User ID.

You'll need to wait at least 30 minutes after contacting ASIC for the password change to take affect in their system.

2. Reset the DIS password in Corporate Compliance
  1. Open Corporate Compliance and click Agents in the Tasks panel. The Agents window opens.
  2. Highlight the relevant agent and click Open agent details. The Agent Details window is displayed.
  3. Click Change agent details. The Change Agent Details window opens.
  4. Copy the user ID in the DIS User ID field and paste into the DIS Password field. The DIS Password field should be the same as the DIS User ID.

    The DIS Password is not case sensitive and is always displayed in upper case. The format is always an A followed by 5 numbers. For example, A12345

  5. Click OK.

  6. Wait at least 30 minutes before attempting to connect to ASIC. After the 30 minutes, ensure no documents are selected for lodgement then click on the Send/Receive button. The connection completes successfully and the password is updated.

    When connecting to ASIC for the first time after entering the new DIS password, ensure no documents are selected for lodgement before clicking Send/Receive.

    Corporate Compliance uses the new password to make the initial authentication to ASIC. The password then automatically changes to a new password to be used for subsequent lodgements.

You can now lodge forms/documents.


Why do I receive this error?

ASIC force an automatic update to the EDGE password every 28 days. The number of days until your password expires can be seen on the fourth line of the Viewing session logs - "Days until password expires XX".

When the number of days until your password expires reaches zero, Corporate Compliance automatically attempts to update the EDGE password. If this password update is unsuccessful (for example, you receive an E02 error as the lodgement is busy), you may receive the error "D01 - Invalid user ID or password" when you next attempt to lodge.

If you continue attempting to lodge with the incorrect password, your account becomes "locked".

To resolve these errors, you'll need to contact ASIC to request your account be unlocked and your EDGE password to be reset.

I reset my password but i'm still receiving the D01 error. What am I doing wrong?

Make sure you've waited at least 30 minutes after contacting ASIC before clicking Send/Receive.

When you click Send/Receive, a connection to ASIC is made using your EDGE User ID as the password. The EDGE Password is then changed to a 28 day password and is automatically updated in Corporate Compliance.

The Lodgement Send/Receive Session window will tell you if the password change was successful.

If the password update failed, check the Agent details in Corporate Compliance to ensure your DIS Password is the same as your DIS User ID, then try lodging again.

If you receive the error "D01 - Invalid user ID or password" after lodging again, stop and contact MYOB Support for assistance.

If you receive the error "D03 - Too many failed login attempts, account LOCKED" you must contact ASIC again to unlock your account.

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