Error: "Invalid Client Code" when creating a tax return for a new client
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AE Practice Manager (NZ)
AE Practice Manager (AU)
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Article ID: 28168
In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) you may experience the error "Invalid Client Code" when creating a tax return for a new client.
This error indicates that the client code does not exist in the Tax database.
In the DATABASE or Tax ledger, type the code in the Client code field and press TAB. If the error "Incorrect selection - F10 for options" appears, this confirms the new client code does not exist in the Tax database.
A client in Practice Manager (AE PM) would be missing in the Tax database if the integration is not running at the time the client was created, or if the integration is not set up correctly.
On the machine where the Run CDS VizPost resides, check that the VPM background post process screen is open. If the VPM background post process screen is not open, start the Run CDS VizPost. This normally resides on the server.
If the VPM background post process screen remains open, edit the name of the client then attempt to create the tax return for the client.
If the VPM background post process screen will not stay open, check the System Release DAL status is Running. If it is not running, the VPM background post process cannot run. Start the SR DAL then start the Run CDS Vizpost.
If the System Release DAL status is Running, then:
Stop the SR DAL;
Rename the SRDALQueues.bin in the c:\Windows directory;
Restart the SR DAL;
Restart the Run CDS VizPost;
Edit the name of the client then attempt to create the tax return for the client
To stop Run CDS VizPost
Open the VPM background post process and click the Cancel button.
To stop the SR DAL
At the Windows desktop, click Start and from the Control Panel menu, select System Release DAL. The System Release DAL screen appears.
You may have to select Start > Settings > Control Panel dependent on your Display settings.
Click the Stop button. The SR DAL Status changes to Stopped.
The prompt "Workstations are still attached to the server. Stopping the server now may cause running applications to fail or corrupt application data. Press Yes if you want to stop the server anway" may appear. This indicates that user/s are in AE PM. Click Yes.
To rename the SRDALQueues.bin
At the Windows desktop, click Start and select Run. The Run window appears.
Type c:\Windows and press Enter. The c:\Windows screen appears.
Navigate to the SRDALQueues.bin, right click on the file and select Rename. The file name is editable.
This file will not exist if the SR DAL is running.
Type SRDALQueuesold.bin and press Enter. The file is renamed.
To restart SR DAL
At the Windows desktop, click Start and from the Control Panel menu, select System Release DAL. The System Release DAL screen appears.
You may have to select Start > Settings > Control Panel dependent on your Display settings.
Click the Start button. The SR DAL Status changes to Starting then Running.
To restart the Run CDS VizPost
At the Windows desktop, click Start and follow the menu pathPrograms > Solution 6 > Run CDS VizPost.
The error message may also occur if the integration between AE PM and AE Tax has not been set up correctly.
To check integration in AE PM
The instructions below have examples of Key Values in the configuration table. Steps 3 and 4 are used to refresh the integration between AE PM and AE Tax.
In AE PM, follow the menu path: Maintenance > User Defined > Configuration. The Configuration page appears.
Check the Key Name Sol6Tax Ledger exists and has the correct Key Value. For example, sr EPSTART X:\SOL63\TAX/Tax2007 -cCLIENTCODE, where: X:\SOL63 is the installation directory for Tax; TAX is the ledger code for Tax; and Tax2007 is your current Tax year. The cursor appears in the Comment field.
If you are using SQL Tax, substitute the above command with: Sr EPSTART S6:\\ServerName\MSSQL\SQLTAX\TAX/Tax2007 -cCLIENTCODE Where ServerName is the name of the server where your SQL database resides; TAX is the ledger code for Tax; and Tax2007 is your current Tax year.
For the Key Name CDSIntegration, edit the Key Value to 0 and click OK.
Repeat steps 1 and 3, typing 1 in Key Value field for CDSIntegration.
To check integration in CDS
In the DATABASE ledger, from the Utilities menu, select Control Record. The Control Properties screen appears. Select the Integration tab. Ensure VPM is selected in the Practice Management section and the Tax ledger code appears in the TAX field in the Ledgers section.
The ledger code is the code that appears in the Client column for the Type Tax2007 in System Release, for the 2007 tax year. The most common ledger codes used by practices are TAX or 00TAX.
In Viztopia 4.0 and below, Configuration settings can be found in Back Office under the menu path Maintenance > System > Miscellaneous, then click the Advanced button. In Viztopia 3.x, the settings are held in the pmssql.ini file. Refer to article 3452 for instructions on how to edit the pmssql.ini file.
Note: In version 4.1 and 4.1.1, the Configuration menu appears under the Maintenance menu.
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