Make sure you know what you're doing and are using one of the products listed.If you're not sure, ask your IT professional or MYOB.
Article ID: 30753
This error occurs due to the configuration of AE Tax Homepages being set incorrectly. You will need to indentify the correct settings first to be able to ensure you are entering the correct details.
To determine the name of your SQL Server and AE Tax database
From AE Practice Manager open Client Compliance. The Client Compliance window opens.
Click on the Help menu and select About MYOB Client Compliance. The About MYOB AE Client Compliance window opens.
Click on the Application details button. The MYOB AE Client Compliance Application Details window opens.
Note the AE Tax Database path information. For example: \\<server name>\MYOBAE\AETAX1. The path is noted.
The first part of the path noted at step 4 is the name of your SQL Server. The name of your SQL Server is identified.
The last part of the path noted at step 4 is the name of your AE Tax database. For example: AETAX1. The name of your AE Tax database is identified.
Close all Client Compliance windows returning to AE Practice Manager.
To update the settings for Tax Homepages
In AE Practice Manager, follow the menu path: Maintenance > AE Tax > Settings. The Tax Settings window opens.
Select the Database tab.
Update the fields Tax DatabaseName and SQL Server from the details noted above.
Under Connect Using select SQL Server Authentication. Enter the User name: sa. Enter the Password. The default password is Myob123 if SQL has been installed by MYOB. If a 3rd party has installed SQL or the password has been changed internally contact your IT support. If your IT support does not know the password request they reset the password.
If the SQL password is reset, update the SQL password entered in AE Tax located in Utilities > Control Record > Defaults tab.
Select the Security tab.
Select the appropriate Security Model. Read the descriptions under each Security Model to make your selection.
Click Save. The changes are saved and the Tax Settings window is closed.
The data will now display in the Tax Homepage views.
JavaScript errors detected
Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.
If this problem persists, please contact our support.