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Error: "Number of licensed user(s) exceeded" when opening ProfitOptimiser on a Terminal Server

This support note applies to:

  • ProfitOptimiser (AU)
  • ProfitOptimiser (NZ)
Article ID: 23451

In MYOB ProfitOptimiser you may experience the error "Number of licensed user(s) exceeded" when opening ProfitOptimiser on a Terminal Server environment.

This issue may occur after you have registered the program.

Following are a number of resolutions to check.

  • Ensure ProfitOptimiser is not opened twice on the workstation that is getting the message.
  • Ensure the server has been restarted since installing / upgrading.
  • Ensure the user has the correct read/write/modify access rights to the folder C:\Program Files\MYOB ProfitOptimiser or C:\Program Files (x86)\MYOB ProfitOptimiser.
  • Ensure the user has the correct read/write/modify access rights to the folder C:\Program Files\Common Files\Inmatrix Solutions or C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Inmatrix Solutions Folder.
  • If you can open ProfitOptimiser then it is a rights/permissions issue with the original user profile which you will need to adjust.
  • Log on to the Server console as administrator and ensure that you allocate access and read/write/modify permission to ProfitOptimiser users.
  • Ensure read/write/modify permissions have been allocated to the folder containing the OPTAdmin.mdb file. (i.e. X:\ProfitOptimiser76\).
  • If you have installed the MYOB Licensing Server and have installed the licence, ensure read/write/modify access to the modules folder i.e. C:\Program Files\MYOB Licensing Server.
  • Ensure the OptimistAdmin.exe and OptV7.exe files are set to run as Administrator in the Privilege level section of  the Compatibility window.

This is only relevant for network registrations and won't be created until the MYOB Licensing Server has been installed.


If you still cannot open PO then use a different Administrator login or create a new one. Get the Product Specialist to check the Inmatrix Product Registration Administration website to ensure that the Product Details are valid.
Uninstall PO via Control Panel's Add/Remove Programs or Programs and Features to Remove and then run the Update again.
A reinstall while logged in as admin may be required for a stand alone install if the PC has been rebooted.

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