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Error: "\\......path not found (Server may be off line)" opening an AE Tax ledger after updating

This support note applies to:

  • AE Tax (NZ)
Article ID: 32725

These instructions require technical expertise

Make sure you know what you're doing and are using one of the products listed. If you're not sure, ask your IT professional or MYOB.

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) when opening any tax ledger (for example, TRS, TTS or EFS) you may experience the error "\\......path not found (Server may be off line)"

This occurs when SRDAL cannot read the database and often occurs after a previous version of SRDAL is uninstalled and the latest version is installed.

To resolve this error update the SRDAL configuration with the SQL Server details.

To configure the SRDAL
  1. On the server, follow the menu path Start > Control Panel > System Release DAL. The System Release DAL window opens.
  2. If the status does not show as Stopped, click Stop.
  3. Click the Configuration tab. The configuration details appear.
  4. Type or select the correct server location in the SQL server to host databases field and click OK. The database location is updated.
  5. Click Start. The SRDAL is restarted.

    If you do not know the name of your SQL Server, please contact your IT person. If you use Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express, it will be the name of the SQL Server that contains the SQLTAX database.
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