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Error: "Period X to Y is locked by " when opening a Workpaper period

This support note applies to:

  • AE Statutory Reporter (AU)
  • AO Statutory Reporter (AU)
  • AE Statutory Reporter (NZ)
  • AO Statutory Reporter (NZ)
Article ID: 36163

In MYOB Client Accounting, you might experience the error "Period X to Y is locked by <Username>" when opening a Workpaper period.

When opening a workpaper period, the system locks the period so other users can't open or work on the same workpaper period, at the same time. When the user closes out of the workpaper period, it's automatically unlocked.

There are two reasons why you might experience this error:

  1. Another user is currently working in the workpaper period.
    To resolve this error, check with the user that they don't have the workpaper period open. If they do, they'll need to close the period before you can open it.
  2. The workpaper period wasn't closed correctly (e.g. because of a system crash).
    The workpaper should unlock after 5 minutes of receiving this error. Try waiting the 5 minutes before attempting to open the workpaper again.

If the workpaper is still locked after 5 minutes, contact us and quote KB 36163.


In the VPMSER (also called AEDB1 or AODB1) database view the dbo.WP_Lock table.

Where there is only 1 record, the lck_message matches the message you are experiencing.

If it is > 5 minutes since the lck_locked date (i.e the lck_duration is 300 seconds), delete this record.

If there are multiple records, determine the required record and delete only the record relating to the client code experiencing the issue. 

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Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.