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Error: "Report contains no data. Try altering the filter conditions..."

This support note applies to:

  • AO Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AO Practice Manager (AU)
  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
Article ID: 38954

In MYOB Practice Manager (PM) you may experience the following message "Report contains no data. Try altering the filter conditions and re-run the report" when clicking on Draft Report from the Tasks bar within a client's drafted bill or when running any of the standard 'Non Charge' reports in AE under Reports > Employee > Employee Activity for example, Non Charge - Detailed by Client - Assgt Type.

This error may occur on the client report when there is an End Date for the Partner in the Responsibility tab or when running the Employee reports in AE and your internal client doesn't have a Partner attached under the Responsibility tab > Partner > Responsibility field.

In case there are more clients without a valid partner, we recommend that you run a Client Partner Check Report on a regular basis to ensure your database is up to date. You will also need to update the client record and either delete the End Date under the Partner > Responsibility section or add a Partner record where there is none in the case where the employee reports are affected.

Each client should have one current partner without an End Date.  If you have multiple open partners, add an End Date to the previous partner.

1. Run the Client Partner Check Report

Perform the following instructions from within MYOB:

  1. Click the Reports icon. The Reports tab appears.
  2. From the Task Panel in the Clients section select Client Partner Check. The Client Partner Check Report appears.
  3. Highlight the report and click Run. The Client Partner Check Report displays listing clients with duplicate or missing partners.
  4. Click the Print icon. The report is printed.
2. Update the Partner details in the Responsibility tab

Using the Client Partner Check Report as a reconciliation tool, perform the instructions from the Help Centre topic: Adding and maintaining responsibilities. When you refresh the To Do Homepage it shows data.

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