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Error: "S6:\\SERVER\MSSQL\AETAX1\Extra Type ; not found" when opening a tax return after upgrading to MYOB Tax 2017.1

This support note applies to:

  • AO Tax (AU)
  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
  • AE Tax (AU)
Article ID: 38967

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) and Accountants Office (AO) you may experience the error "S6:\\SERVER\MSSQL\AETAX1\ExtraType ; not found" when opening a tax return after updating to AE/AO Tax version 2017.1.

This error may refer also refer to other SQL views such as 'ClientExtraValue' in the AETAX / AOTAX database.

After clicking OK to all errors, the Front Cover details including the client name and address are missing in the return.

If you experience this error, contact us and quote KB 38967 to have this issue resolved.


To update the SQL Server Name in SQL Management Studio:

  1. Check the SQL Server name in SQL Management Studio by running the query below:
    select @@servername

    To see the linkedservers run the following query:
    select * from sys.servers
  2. If the server name is incorrect, update the server name using the following command:
    exec sp_dropserver 'ServerName'
    exec sp_addserver 'ServerName', local
    where dropserver 'ServerName' is the incorrect server\instance and addserver 'Servername' is the correct server\instance.
  3. Restart the SQL Server Instance by right-clicking on SERVER\MYOBACCT in SQL Server Management Studio, then select Restart.
  4. Open AE/AO and follow the menu path: Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Tax > Settings and click Connect to Tax Database.

If the views are not added and error remains, views will need to be added manually using stored procedure "sp_PmPlus_RunCreateViewInTax". Check with Premium Team if you are unsure.

Insert PR# 150407805854

SR# 150404608886


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