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Error: "sol64 / files / sol63 / taxfile / reports / of / m1 / .noe path not found (server may be offline)" when using E-File

This support note applies to:

  • AE Tax (NZ)

These instructions require technical expertise

Make sure you know what you're doing and are using one of the products listed. If you're not sure, ask your IT professional or MYOB.

Article ID: 33149

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) Tax you may experience the error "SOL64 / Files / Sol63 / Taxfile / Reports / of / m1 / .noe path not found (server may be offline)" when using E-File.

This occurs when a corrupt file is received into the E-File System.

To resolve this error you need to identify and delete the corrupt file.

To identify and delete the corrupt file
  1. Open the E-File system. The Sessions window opens.
  2. Click Receive Only. The error occurs.
  3. Drag the error window aside. The details of the error appear including the file name where the process has stopped. For example 05932061.ird.
  4. Click OK on the error window message until the process finishes and then close out of all the Tax modules. The tax application is closed.

    Ensure no one else is using any Tax modules prior to continuing these steps.

  5. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to \SOL64\FILES\SQLTAX\TAXFILE\Recieve. The files and folders contained are displayed.
  6. Right click on the file identified above and select Delete. The file is deleted.
  7. Click Close. Windows Explorer closes.



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