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Error: 'Solution6.VPM.BusinessLogic.EmployeeRemoteException' when setting up default homepages

This support note applies to:

  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
Article ID: 34045

When setting up default homepages, you may receive the error 'Solution6.VPM.BusinessLogic.EmployeeRemoteException. Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_UserProperties'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.UserProperties'. The statement has been terminated.

To resolve, contact MYOB Support and quote KB article number 34045


MYOB Internal Notes:

SR: 11874089743

In certain errors 'Homepage 4' for example, may display in the error as being the problem Homepage. If so, try customising the homepage to resolve, but if there is no mention of any particular homepage you will need to edit the tables and remove their Homepage1, Homepage 2, Homepage3 for eg,  or run the attached script for the affected employee.  Note:  prior to performing either of these options you should run a backup of the VPMSER database.

Editing the tables

  1. Open dbo.Employee table and search for the employee with the issue and note down the EmployeeID in the first column.
  2. Open dbo.UserProperties and search for the EmployeeID noted down previously.
  3. Highlight all of the HomePage 1, Homepage 2 etc for this EmployeeID and delete.

Also on another site s/r 11873032843 - the issue was caused by the table entry - 'JMView11' when removed, resolved.

Running the script to delete the user homepage properties

If you are getting errors in SQL when trying to delete some of the homepage views, you can run the DeleteUserProperties_HomepageViewName.sql instead. The affected EmployeeID will have to be added to the script. 


JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.