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Error: "Tax File Number already exists" when creating a tax return using System Release

This support note applies to:

  • AE Tax (AU)

These instructions require technical expertise

Make sure you know what you're doing and are using one of the products listed. If you're not sure, ask your IT professional or MYOB.

Article ID: 29476

The following information is only relevant if you use System Release to access MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) Tax.

This error message occurs when the Tax File Number (TFN) has already been entered into the system. This can be rectified by accessing returns via TFN, and then either delete the return or change/remove the TFN that already exists.

To access returns by TFN
  1. Open AE Tax. The Select return window appears.
  2. From the Utilities menu, select Control Record. The Control Record Properties window appears.

    If the Enter Master Password window appears, type your password and press ENTER. The default password is ASSERT.
  3. Click the Defaults tab. The default information appears.
  4. Deselect the Select Returns by Client option. The tick disappears from the Select Returns by Client field.
  5. Select the Access Returns via TFN field. A tick appears in the Access Returns via TFN field.
  6. Click OK. The Select return window appears.
  7. Exit AE Tax. The Ledgers window appears.
Searching by TFN
  1. Open AE Tax. The Select return window appears.
  2. Click the Tax File No column title. The system sorts by TFN.
  3. Type 123 456 789 and press ENTER, where: 123 456 789 is the tax file of the client you are locating. The tax return appears.
Deleting the return
If you don't want to delete the return, please go to the 'Changing/removing Client Code' section.
  1. Right-click the return and select Delete. The message 'Delete code ABC123' appears, where: ABC123 is the return code.
  2. Click Yes. The return is deleted.
Changing/Removing TFN
  1. Right-click the return and select Properties. The Return Properties window appears.
  2. In the TFN field, change to the correct TFN or delete the existing TFN and click OK. The Select return window appears.
Select returns by client
  1. Open AE Tax. The Select return window appears.
  2. From the Utilities Menu, select Control Record. The Control Record Properties window appears.

    If the Enter Master Password window appears, type your password and press ENTER. The default password is ASSERT.
  3. Click the Defaults tab. The default information appears.
  4. Select the Access returns via TFN option. The tick disappears from the Access returns via TFN field.
  5. Select the Select returns by Client option. The tick appears in the Select returns by Client field.
  6. Click OK. The Select Return window appears.
  7. Exit AE Tax. The Ledgers window appears.

The error message no longer appears when trying to create the return.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.