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Error: "There was a problem configuring the export products..." when opening PDF Manager

This support note applies to:

  • PDF Manager (AU)
  • PDF Manager (NZ)
Article ID: 31925823

When opening PDF Manager you may receive the following error:

"There was a problem configuring the export products.
ERROR: MPCInstaller.MPCInstaller::SetExportProducts: Object reference not set to an instance of an object"

This error occurs where the MPCConfiguration.xml file for the Windows user profile on the local machine is damaged.

This issue can be resolved by deleting the MPCConfiguration.xml file for the affected user. This file is then recreated when the user opens PDF Manager.

After deleting the MPCConfiguration.xml file, you'll need to re-enter the location of your PDF Manager licence file.

To delete the MPCConfiguration.xml file
  1. Press and hold the Windows button + R on your keyboard to open the Run window.
  2. In the Open field, type %APPDATA% and click OK. Windows File Explorer opens to the AppData folder.
  3. Open the PDF Manager folder.
  4. Select the file MPCConfiguration.xml and press the DELETE key on your keyboard.
  5. Click Yes to the confirm deletion.

When you next open PDF Manager, the MPCConfiguration.xml file will be recreated and you'll be prompted to enter the location of the PDF Manager licence file.

To enter the location of the PDF Manager License file
  1. Open PDF Manager and follow the menu path: Help > Licence MYOB PDF Manager.
  2. Click the ellipses [...] button next to the Locate existing licence field and browse to the location of your PDFMgr.lic file.

    Not sure where your PDFMgr.lic file is located?

    Open PDF Manager from a working workstation and follow the menu path Help > Licence MYOB PDF Manager. Note the full file path in the Save to field. This is the location of your of the PDF Manager licence file (PDFMgr.lic).

  3. Select the PDFmgr.lic file and click Open.

  4. Click OK to save the location and close the Licence MYOB PDF Manager window.

If you continue to receive the error after deleting the MPCConfiguration.xml file, navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\MYOB\PDF Manager and copy the MPCConfiguration.xml file from this location and paste the file into the user's AppData\PDF Manager folder.


SR# 160125425693

Not an issue - system correct.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.